[h1]2018 Festivities:[/h1] Holiday cheer is in the air! Everyone aboard the Liberator has dressed up for the occasion and put up their decorations. Snow has built up in a few locations were you can now make snowballs. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6119952/89d5472203d0b2820416e27cba07548af6ff94da.png[/img] Across PEI, Washington and Russia, someone (maybe the zombies?) has put up ornamental trees with presents underneath. They may have gifted you some high-tier weaponry! Holiday gift presents are now dropping as well, so you may find yourself with a few festive outfits in your inbox soon. [h1]Raiding Balance Pass:[/h1] There may be subsequent passes based on your feedback to these changes, but the goals for this update were: [list] [*]Horde beacons were an incredibly effective source of endgame items for large groups, but now have diminishing returns. By requiring a detonator, detonators now have an economy sink. [*]Machine guns that damaged bases with low caliber ammunition were too powerful, and in general damage against bases is lower. [*]Metal elements are significantly more worthwhile to build, while charges still feel effective against wooden bases. Requiring multiple charges to destroy a single wooden wall felt frustrating, but that may be adjusted later. [*]By reducing the availability of raiding equipment the default base armor multipliers hopefully can stay similar, but if needed the default values will be further tuned. [/list] [h1]Patch Notes:[/h1] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Accepted several new time-limited skins to the stockpile from the curated workshop. [*]Added separate low and high-tier armor multipliers for buildables. Metal and bricks qualify as high-tier, and now have 2x effective health. [*]Added freeform glass plates craftable from glass windows. [IDs 892-894] [*]Added support for explanation message to server shutdown notice. [*]Added compatibility warnings for future workshop items using 2017.4 LTS. [*]Added weak grenade throw to secondary attack, and Strong_Throw_Force [1100], Weak_Throw_Force [600] and Boost_Throw_Force_Multiplier [1.4] to per-throwable configs. Previous throw force was 750 with a 2x boost multiplier. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Tweaked Nykorev, Hell's Fury and Dragonfang to only take highcal ammo, and their buildable damage slightly lower. [*]Tweaked Ekho, Matamorez, Grizzly and Timberwolf buildable damage slightly lower. [*]Tweaked horde beacon drops to scale by the square root of number of participants, rather than linearly. For example 2 players get ~1.41x, 3 players get ~1.73x. [*]Tweaked horde beacon blueprint to require sacrificing a detonator. [*]Tweaked to require text confirmation when salvaging items unless CTRL is held. Previously only Mythical items required confirmation. [*]Tweaked rich text chat to not fade out. [*]Disabled movement clamps in editor. [*]Defaulted workshop server filter to on. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed checking buildables you were already overlapping when mounting ladder. [*]Fixed climbing on explosive charges. [*]Fixed one-sided cliffs in PEI pirate caves. [*]Fixed snowdrift collision desync. [*]Fixed placing multiple structures at the same location at the same time. [/list] [i]Edit: BattlEye released an update shortly after, so Unturned included it in an 8mb patch for 64-bit Windows. This patch is optional and did not increase the version number.[/i]