[h1]Changelog:[/h1] [b]Added[/b] [list] [*]Gameplay config for third-person recoil and spread multipliers. [/list] [b]Changed[/b] [list] [*]Holding primary/secondary input will start item action as soon as possible. [*]Allow bulk-reassigning material index/palette in editor. [/list] [b]Fixed[/b] [list] [*]Ambient audio never playing if audio channel limit was reached during load. [*]Exception when loading culling volumes on dedicated server. [*]Garbage generated on server when filtering relevant connections for RPCs. [*]Placeholder partial fix for spamming shoot inputs, however rate of fire is still lower than full auto. [*]Item drops falling through narrow gaps when using raycast rather than spherecast. [Thanks Ghosticollis!] [*]Vertical alignment of Masterkey when aiming. [Thanks MediumPlayer!] [*]Remove warning for objects with legacy ID now that it is unused. [Thanks LocoCZ!] [*]Valentines quest condition was applied to wrong secret admirer note dialogue. [Thanks GG_Gabr!] [*]Miscellaneous Washington visual fixes. [Thanks AdamDN and Firecynical!] [*]Missing distance check for barricade/structure salvage. [Thanks Ghosticollis!] [*]Zombie detection radius while prone was too low for the newer collision. [Thanks JimmyDeluxe0 and Ms.Yawhaw!] [/list] [h1]Third-Person Recoil and Spread Configurable:[/h1] When the third-person recoil and spread debuffs were added there was a lot of debate about making them configurable versus keeping the game experience more consistent between servers. The configurability argument is that the game should be as moddable as possible to encourage creativity and enable players to do whatever they find most fun, whereas the consistency argument is that it is confusing and disorienting to run into wildly different movement, gunplay, difficulty, etc. on every server. 2x recoil and spread in third-person is the intended vanilla experience. By requiring it for a while it became the consistent baseline, preventing reactionary servers from immediately disabling the change. (Unlike the movement changes which many servers immediately reverted.) Now that it has been the default, servers can choose to customize and raise and lower the multipliers as they see fit. Was this a good approach? We will see where it might make sense with future gameplay changes.