Update Notes
Author: SDGNelson,
published 1 year ago,
[h1]A6 Polaris Teaser:[/h1]
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtcRMJBXtq8]Watch the trailer for danaby2's upcoming curated map "A6 Polaris" releasing next Friday![/url]
[*]Spread_Angle_Degrees gun option replacing Spread_Hip.
[*]Aim_In_Duration gun option. Old hardcoded default was 0.2 seconds. Vanilla guns have been tweaked +/- 50ms on average.
[*]Aim_Duration_Multiplier gun attachment option. Large vanilla magazines reduce aiming speed.
[*]Damage_Falloff_Max_Range option for falloff to finish closer than the total max range.
[*]Plugin option to hide center dot and disable reputation change notification.
[*]Separate messaging and auto-shutdown for update rollbacks.
[*]Is_Music bool option for effect asset used in ambiance volumes.
[*]Support for warning if there is a large discrepancy between server listing and actual in-game ping.
[*]Crosshair follows recoil similar to laser and better represents actual spread.
[*]Prevent joining servers without GSLT over the internet. LAN servers are unaffected.
[*]Trees can override their appearance on the 2D chart similar to objects.
[*]Item condition supports comparison other than >=.
[*]Improved how viewmodel camera is automatically aligned with gun sights.
[*]Pressing enter in IP field shows loopback/LAN info, and with a ":port" moves port to the port field.
[*]Gun spread is finally circular rather than square.
[*]Clear volume selection when changing tool.
[*]Selecting quests in quest list when a quest asset was missing.
[*]Foliage tool performance while not painting with large brush.
[*]Potential nodes editor bug with IMGUI mode.
[*]Volume solid visualization visible in satellite capture.
[*]Collision at rear of destroyed ural object.
[*]Alignment of volumes tab and objects list.
[*]Not timing out when server did not respond to join request.
[h1]Patch #1:[/h1]
[*]Crosshair not fading out when opening menus.
[*]Animator component used by mods/plugins re-enabled.
[*]Main menu stuck when resolving invalid hostname.
[h1]Server Changes:[/h1]
[b]Edit: this first change has been disabled following feedback. If you would like to find non-P2W servers the best option is to use the "None" or "Non-Gameplay" Monetization filters in the server list.[/b]
Refreshing the Internet server list without a name filter will only show non-monetized and non-gameplay-monetization servers now. As a reminder: servers selling gameplay advantages should not categorize themselves as non-monetized / non-gameplay-monetization. Examples of gameplay advantages include weapons, vehicles, experience, admin commands, progression skips, etc. The goal is to help promote discoverability of non-pay-to-win (P2W) servers for new players.
Last year setting a Game Server Login Token (GSLT) became a requirement for listing on the Internet server list. This has now become a requirement for direct connection as well. The goal is to help with moderation of servers re-uploading other creators' workshop files without permission.