[h1]Weather:[/h1] Rain and snow have been built-in for a long time, but not in a way that was customizable or extendable. There were even some old comments in the code for "todo: heavy rain storms". They have now been rebuilt in a moddable fashion so maps can customize them or add new weather events, and lightning storms on official maps are planned for a future update. [h1]Update Notes:[/h1] [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*]Collision audio for bullet casings and spent shells. [*]Full support for custom weather. Hardcoded rain and snow have been converted to custom weather. [/list] [b]Changed:[/b] [list] [*]Replace personal name when streamer mode is enabled. [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed admin flag ignoring hide_admins during initial connect. [*]Placement of kill counter on Nightraider. [*]Z-fighting quad on log under wooden window. [*]Buildable door snaps to end of animation on load. [*]Asset validation checks motion vectors are enabled. [/list]