Update Notes
Author: SDGNelson,
published 3 years ago,
[*]MinRadius option for zombie kill quests.
[*]Updated barricades attached to vehicles to use newer netid system.
[*]Updated engine to Unity 2019.4.30f1. This version fixes the multi-display startup crash.
[*]Mistake in hood triangulation of Armored Offroader.
[*]Catch exceptions from onTakeItemRequested and OnGestureChanged events.
[*]Zombies and animals not using their own armor multipliers when Weapons_Use_Player_Damage was enabled.
[*]Light from world muzzle flash affecting viewmodel and vice versa.
[*]Potential cause of issues if player lost connection at transport layer without notifying game.
[*]Blimp exit position outside bounds.