[h1]Changelog:[/h1] [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*]Asset validation warning when clothing prefabs are on the wrong collision layer. [*]Projectile_Lifespan option for guns with physics projectiles. Default is 30 seconds. [*]Filter in server list for players to find non-monetized or non-gameplay monetization hosts. [*]Tools for moderating server list without requiring a client update. [/list] [b]Changed:[/b] [list] [*]Consolidated door, melee attack, and helicopter ignition audio clips. [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] [list] [*]Formatting missing tree asset error. [*]Duplicate powerline pole near Liberation Bridge on PEI. [*]Collision layer of several dozen curated clothing prefabs. [*]Germany, PEI, and Russia quest initialization case sensitivity. [*]Exception if collision hit sound was missing. [*]Dragging item missing asset. [/list] [h1]Server Hosting Rule Changes Reminder:[/h1] The new "Monetization" field in each server's Config.json file defaults to "Unspecified", but can be set to "None" or "NonGameplay". If configuring this field please ensure to be truthful. "None" is for unmonetized or donation-only servers, and "NonGameplay" is for servers with purchases that do not provide a gameplay advantage. Players filtering the server list by "NonGameplay" will also see "None" servers. Warnings will start being sent to server hosts breaking the new rules scheduled to take effect on June 11th. [url=https://github.com/SmartlyDressedGames/U3-Docs/blob/master/ServerHostingRules.md]Read more details here.[/url]