Update Notes
Author: SDGNelson,
published 3 years ago,
[*]Command-line "-RefreshRate=#" preferred monitor refresh rate override.
[*]Config for custom links in server lobby screen and monetization filter.
[*]Separated vehicle explosion option into ShouldExplosionCauseDamage and ShouldExplosionBurnMaterials.
[*]Target_Acquired_Effect and Target_Lost_Effect for custom sentries.
[*]Can_Be_Damaged option for buildable items.
[*]Plugin ShowUseableGunStatus and ShowVehicleStatus UI flags.
[*]Replaced PDW on Yukon with Swissgewehr.
[*]Moved when buildable spawned events are called.
[*]Saving levels with hundreds of different tree assets installed.
[*]Tree audio in Kuwait menu.
[*]Asset casting exceptions across the entire codebase. These were responsible for the NPC and zombie damage problems on Kuwait when there were ID conflicts with mods of a different type.
[*]Visible_On_Ragdoll was accidentally disabled for cosmetics.
[h1]Server Links Config:[/h1]
Servers can now include links to their website, support, forums, etc., in the lobby screen. The "Links" field in each server's Config.json file is an array, each entry has a richtext "Message" and "Url" field. For example:
{ "Message": "SDG Website", "Url": "https://smartlydressedgames.com/" },
{ "Message": "SDG Forum", "Url": "https://forum.smartlydressedgames.com/" }