[b]Hello![/b] [i]These are patch notes for the preview branch, not what's currently default. If you're interested in testing this you can join with the password "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF"[/i] [b]You can now harvest resources in 3.0! They're significantly improved from 2.0:[/b] [list] [*]The health system is dramatically different allowing stronger trees like pines to have higher durability, and all weapons can damage them. Use explosives to quickly blow up a tree, or punch it repeatedly (literally) 50 times. Obviously the axe is currently the best for chopping them down. [*]The trunk falls over with physics. [*]Logs fall in the direction of the trunk, and sticks fall around the base. [*]Item drops are guaranteed, and there are multiple types of logs and sticks. [*]Resources re-spawn steadily. [/list] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added the ability to harvest trees. [*]Added some glass models to the editor. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Improved memory useage significantly between client/server. [*]Improved collider performance by only loading navigation inside navigation areas on server. [*]Bug reports leads to a post about how to report properly. [*]Improved networking performance for effects. [*]Improved all respawn systems. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Removed render cap on roads, although it is still recommended to not make them too long. [*]Brought info label up to date. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed player collision. [*]Fixed driving dead vehicles. [*]Fixed a loading screen bug. [*]Fixed a bug standing near the edge. [*]Fixed engine not updating when swapping seats. [*]Fixed headlights staying on when exploded. [*]Fixed vehicles getting misreferenced. [*]Fixed not being allowed into underwater vehicles. [*]Fixed turning feeling slugish. [/list] Ultimately, however, logs currently do nothing and are probably have some bugs yet to be found. What do you think of the idea of showing death messages to everyone? [url=http://strawpoll.me/3037712]Vote here.[/url] [b]Thanks for reading![/b]