[h1]Update Notes:[/h1] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added Earpiece. [ID 1446] [*]Added devkit save window. [*]Added devkit object inspector. [*]Added devkit asset browser. [*]Added base functionality to devkit selection/transform tool. [*]Added devkit undo/redo transactions window. [*]Added per-server instance maps/bundles folders for limited server hosts. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Updated to Unity 5.5.0f3. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Tweaked BattlEye ban alerts to show in chat. [*]Tweaked transparent object sorting to change based on water and camera position. [*]Tweaked scoped recoil reduction lower. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed potential issue when checking for Gold ownership with Steam. [*]Fixed exiting editor window while dragging or resizing. [*]Fixed not to render motion vectors for intersect highlight materials. [*]Added terminal argument and key/value parsers to cover all C# built-in types. [*]Cleaned up field/property delta undo/redo code and performance. [*]Cleaned up translation metadata reading. [*]Cleaned up key/value file reading/writing code. [/list] [h1]BattlEye:[/h1] This week we're up to ~8,600 bans, (~1,200 more than last week) so it looks like the cheaters are starting to give up! If you've been getting an "Unsupported Modules" BattlEye kick you'll need to remove any folders other than "Framework" and "Unturned" from your Unturned/Modules directory. In the future as modules become more stable I'll likely open up to signing popular ones so that they are compatible with BattlEye. [h1]Devkit:[/h1] Everything is slowly coming together! Probably the biggest inheritance chain "ItemGunAsset" is now converted to use these new systems, so you can modify/create guns in the inspector without going through the files - however it's unpolished, messy looking and not very easy yet. The plan is also to make specific tools for some types for example a dialogue tree editor (wish I had that when working on the Liberator!) The Ace is the only item currently using the new format, so any bugs with it are probably down to a conversion issue. I'd suggest checking the tool out, but don't rely on it yet. Unturned will load the new .asset files over the .dat files, but your existing .dat files are preserved so if conversion goes wrong you can delete the generated .asset file. I'm very pleased to see the improvements between the old and new selection/transform tool so far, I feel like it shows I've learned a lot along the way. The old one uses a bunch of hacks to apply the transformations, whereas the new one properly does the math. You can also snap when dragging on a plane with the new one, while the old one would lock it to the 3D grid. When rotating it's now based on your mouse movement along the circle tangent, even when the circle plane is perpendicular to your viewpoint. There's also a visualization of your snapping intervals and console commands to adjust the handle sensitivity and size on your screen. [h1]Unity Update:[/h1] The most visible change in this upgrade should be that those cases on huge maps where the shadows could flicker should hopefully be toned down or gone thanks to their new higher-precision shadow depth buffer. [h1]Water Sorting:[/h1] Previously you could see glass in windows underwater from quite aways away - now that shouldn't happen. By default in Unity transparent objects are sorted by distance to your viewpoint, so with water being so big usually the transparent meshes underwater were considered closer and drawn first. Now Unturned keeps track of most transparent materials and splits them based on which side of the water they are on.