[h1]Update Notes:[/h1] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added handcuffs. [ID 1195] [*]Added handcuffs key. [ID 1196] [*]Added cable tie. [ID 1197] [*]Added pickaxe. [ID 1198] [*]Added headlamp. [ID 1199] [*]Added mineable boulders. [*]Added 16 new flag jersies. [*]Added armor command to adjust buildable damage multipliers. [*]Added "Bypass_Hash_Verification" asset flag for server owners. [*]Added separate keybind for inspecting item. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Improved player lights to attract AI. [*]Improved region performance while moving between areas. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Tweaked traps to take more damage from impacts. [*]Tweaked enclosed vehicles to provide cover from snow. [*]Tweaked horde beacon difficulty harder. [*]Tweaked restaurant food name. [*]Tweaked viper to accept military barrels. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed lock foreground tint. [*]Fixed objects closing after loading. [*]Fixed horde not respawning in singleplayer. [*]Fixed DX11 basemap lighting issue. [*]Fixed nails in explosive blueprints. [*]Fixed to not be able to craft scythe. [*]Fixed some crashes when missing assets. [*]Fixed perf spikes when dragging objects. [*]Fixed unable to quick equip on client. [/list] [h1]Handcuffs:[/h1] You can now passively restrain other players! Using handcuffs on a surrendered player will lock up their hands preventing them from using items and punching. Only the one who arrested them in the first place can unlock the handcuffs using a handcuffs key. You are able, however, to wiggle your way out of handcuffs by quickly leaning left and right for several seconds. [h1]Roomscale VR Support:[/h1] Right after putting out the update last week there was a ring at the doorbell, and suprise it was a Vive devkit from Valve/HTC! I spent a couple days this week getting started with support in the Unturned editor for this roomscale virtual reality, and I think it's shaping up to be a lot of fun. Right now I've got the movement and object systems mostly integrated, so you can be anywhere between person size exploring a building or a giant stomping around the whole map. Alongside the normal editor object features like dragging transform/rotate handles/lasers you can also pick things up to move them around, and even throw them! I must admit I spent quite a while just throwing Stratford around the level watching it explode. Next week I'm going to prioritize working on these VR features because I think I can get all the tools working nicely in that time, and considering they sent over a devkit I want to make sure it's prepared before the full Vive launch. Once it's ready I'll also try and get a video together to show you what it's like!