[h1]Update Notes:[/h1] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added new completely overhauled spawn system! [Important info for modders in full post] [*]Added indictators when dying from food/water/infection/oxygen. [*]Added repair/salvage blueprints to many melee/clothing items. [*]Added option for hold/toggle leaning. [*]Added config option for skills/inventory lost on death. [*]Added objects for crops rather than terrain details. [*]Accepted 13 new Curated Workshop items. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Improved claim flag/safezone radiator to show claimed/safe areas. [*]Improved ammo crafting to use emptiest first. [*]Improved crafting menu to sort available blueprints to the top. [*]Improved spawns editor to allow renaming tables/tiers. [*]Improved syncing responsiveness in multiplayer. [Experimental] [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Tweaked pumpjacks to be placeable on most ground materials. [*]Tweaked foliage to be turn offable now that crops are separate. [*]Tweaked refill/fuel durability lower and saltwater higher. [*]Tweaked buildable item spawn rate lower. [*]Tweaked small plate/frame/siding health lower. [*]Tweaked rocket projectile despawn time higher. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed case where vehicles were invulnerable to explosions. [*]Fixed farm occasionally showing as grown when planted. [*]Fixed some flaws in the network snapshot buffer. [*]Fixed selecting objects through node. [*]Fixed node colors in editor. [*]Fixed potential issue with item heartbeat. [*]Fixed potential issue with voice chat. [*]Fixed log/stick changing color. [*]Fixed missing tree example file. [*]Fixed arena to reject outside spawns. [*]Fixed spam swapping seats in vehicle. [*]Fixed spam toggling cosmetics. [*]Fixed missed shots using empty input. [*]Fixed crouch not reducing footstep volume. [*]Fixed eating cheese sound. [*]Fixed desert falcon damage. [*]Fixed blowing self up with rocket. [*]Fixed missing recent exported item icons. [/list] [h1]Spawn Assets:[/h1] TL;DR: Workshop mod creators can set up their content to automatically start spawning on official maps. For example a pack that adds some rare guns could start spawning in the spec ops weaponry table. Map creators can also opt into this system which means that when new content is added to the game it will spawn on their maps. I've been very excited about adding these new features for ages now and can't wait to see what you do with them! There are three main parts, so feel free to read them all or whatever is relevant to you. [b]Content:[/b] To get your custom content spawning you'll need to set up a spawn table for it. I'd recommend creating one table as a buffer/proxy which generates the root spawner which generates each rarity of item which then actually spawn the items. In order to allow further extension on these spawners the minimum weight should be around 10, and the proxy spawner should be higher maybe around 100. Once your spawner is set up you can find any appropriate map spawners to assign as roots. [b]Spawn Tables:[/b] These are a new asset type which represent the chances of getting an item/vehicle/animal. They follow this format when creating the asset: Type Spawn ID # // 1-1000 are reserved Roots # // Parent count Root_#_Spawn_ID // Spawner to set as parent Root_#_Weight // Weight in the parent spawner Tables # // Child count Table_#_Asset_ID // Item/vehicle/animal ID to spawn Table_#_Spawn_ID // If no assetID is set, spawn this spawner Table_#_Weight // Weight of this child Roots are the spawners that your spawner will attach itself to. If this is a spawner for a map you probably won't use this, but for a mod they can be used to extend existing spawn tables. Tables are the things that will get spawned by your spawner. A spawner at the bottom of the chain will be entirely assetIDs, whereas one near the top will likely be entirely spawnIDs. [i]Tip:[/i] You can debug any spawner by using the new Spawns tool on the main menu under Workshop which lets you enter a spawnID to view what it generates, what generates it and the chances of each. By clicking on the parent/child spawners you can navigate up and down the tree. For example viewing ID 112 in item mode will show you what the chances of getting flares are. [b]Maps:[/b] For the most part just using the legacy spawning system is probably fine for your map. If you would like to get the advantages mentioned above, however, it is fairly straightforward to upgrade your map and I've spent a good amount of time making the tools easy to do most of the work for you. The first important thing is to rename any tables that shouldn't use existing ones. For example if your table is called "Fire" it will find the existing fire fighter spawn table and use it instead. Any tiers that just spawn variants of an item, like flares, will find the spawner generating them and use it. When you're ready you can enter a starting ID above 1000 and export legacy tables. These files will appear in your level folder and will also create an IDs.csv spreadsheet so that you can keep track of what's what. If you are making a new map and want to set up the table names and proxies quickly you can use the export proxy tables button. [i]Tip:[/i] You can now include assets for a specific map by putting them in a folder named "Bundles". The primary use for this is including spawn table assets, but can also be used for custom files that won't be part of a separate pack. One of the other neat results is it's starting to open up a path for accepting maps using this system into the official pool which I'm working toward as well. [b]Servers:[/b] There are no hash checks on the spawners because they are entirely server side, so you can easily modify them to add/remove/adjust your spawns.