[b]Hello![/b] Tomorrow (Sunday 7/9/14) I'll be streaming work on the 3.0 test map starting at [url=https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enCA562CA562&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=mountain%20time]2:00 PM Mountain Time[/url] on my [url=http://www.twitch.tv/dev_nelson]Twitch.TV channel[/url]! I'll be doing my best to respond to all the questions in chat, and the entire design of the level will be dictated by those of you that show up! Today's community feature is FC's FANTASTIC dune buggy advertisement: http://youtu.be/sYADXTpq1Wo [b]Thanks for reading![/b]