The new update was rolled out this morning and the below nifty new features including debug mode(!), reading functions, volume setting for individual audio tracks and movies, and much more! Here is the full list of updates: [b]★ Music / SE volume setting[/b]  ・The volume of the game itself is set from Game Settings  ・The volume of individual music or sound effects can be set from the Play Music / Play Sound Effect component in the Scene Editor [b]★ Music / SE fade in and fade out effects[/b]  ・Check Fade Effect in the parameters area of the Play Music / Play Sound Effect components [b]★ Volume setting added to movie component[/b]  ・Set via the Movie component in the Scene Editor [b]★ Reading functions [/b]  ・Read text can be displayed in a different color, and text can be set as unskippable  ・Works by checking whether labels have been passed or not  ・Settings are adjusted via Game Settings > Reading Settings [b]★ Auto mode and auto advance[/b]  An auto advance button is now available [b]★ Text placement feature[/b]  ・Place text at a specified position on the game screen  ・Use the Add Text component Example: [b]★ Text animation function[/b]  ・Text placed on screen using the Add Text component can be animated  ・From the Add Text component parameters area, select Positioning Tool > Animation Example: [b]★ Debug Mode![/b]  ・Component execution can be viewed in real time while playing a game  ・Raw TyranoScript can also be viewed   ・View variable operations and values in real time. Variable values can be overwritten while in debug mode  ・Assets can be added while a game is being played  ・How to run:   ・Project > Debug Mode (to debug from the start of the game)   ・Click the bug icon at the top right (debug from the start of the scene currently being edited)   ・Right click a component to debug from that point [b]★ Add a component by double-clicking[/b]  ・Right click a component to insert it above to the currently selected component in the Scene Editor  ・This is simple, but handy! Example: [b]★ ‘Jump to Destination’ in contenxt menu [/b] Right click a Jump, Image, Branch, or Clickable Area component in the Scene Editor now brings up a ‘Jump to Destination’ option. [b]★ ’Italic’ text [/b] This option is now available in the Change Font Style component. [b]★ 'Exit All' component [/b] Use this new Character component to have all characters leave the current scene. [b]★ External save files for PC games[/b] Save files for games exported to PC are now stored as individual .sav files in the game folders. [b]★ 'Project saved' dialogue streamlined[/b] This confirmation has been moved to the bottom right and no longer requires confirmation. [b]★ TyranoScript updated to latest version[/b] [b]★ Improvements to stability and speed of exported games[/b] We hope you enjoy the new update! Please drop by the TyranoBuilder discussion group with any feedback, questions, suggestions, etc. Have a great weekend!