We're back (and will KEEP coming back!) with a new update to TyranoBuilder! This update upgrades TyranoBuilder to 64 bit, adds support for external plug-ins function, native 16: 9 screen support, new themes, and more. [b][h1]TyranoBuilder Upgraded from 32 to 64 bit[/h1][/b] Upgraded ahead of the next version of MacOS, which will remove support for 32 bit applications, and greatly improves stability for both the Windows and Mac versions. [h1]Support for External Plug-ins[/h1] Now you can add new functionality to your projects using plugins. A number of official plugins are already available at the official TyranoPlugins website ( https://plugin.tyrano.jp/en ), and plans are in place to enable anyone with knowledge of TyranoScript to be able develop their own components and plugins! The current roster of official plugins includes: [list][*] Background Mask Transitions [*] Auto Save and Auto Load [*] Custom Title [*] Custom Save Game Thumbnail [*] Emoticons [*] Expanded Backlog Functionality [*] Mask Transitions [*] Open Website [*] Screen Filters [*] Share on Twitter [*] Show Dialogue [*] Sleep and Awake [*] Sprite [/list]Sheets More to follow! Visit our 'How to Use Plugins' tutorial here: http://tyranobuilder.com/how-to-use-plugins/ [h1]Native 16: 9 (1280px × 720px) Screen Support[/h1] This is the new default screen resolution from v182, and is the standard aspect ratio for smartphones. [h1]New Themes Added[/h1] A range of new themes have been added, including 16:9 formats. [h1]‘Pause’ Component Added[/h1] This new component pauses the game and awaits a click before proceeding. Add it to the Tools area via Customize Tool Area window. [h1]TyranoScript Updated to v472d[/h1] TyranoScript is updated to the latest and greatest version. As usual, all previous versions are available via the Beta options in the Steam client. For details, see: https://steamcommunity.com/app/345370/discussions/0/405690850610041992/ If you have any questions or feedback, we would love to hear from you. Dy and post to the official TyranoBuilder discussion group at https://steamcommunity.com/app/345370/discussions/ at we'll be in touch! On behalf of everyone at Nyu Media and STRIKEWORKS, THANK YOU for your continued support and have a great weekend!!