Hey there racers, If you’ve been following our social channels or Discord then you may have seen the teases in the past few days for today’s update. Well, the Turbo Golf Racing Mid-Season Update is OUT NOW and with it comes a whole load of new content, improvements, as well as some important community-requested changes. So, what’s in the new update? [h3]New and Improved Party System[/h3] One of the most requested community features is now in the game – Cross-platform parties. You and your friends can now party-up and play together regardless of platform. In addition to this you can now add ‘TGR Friends’ using a friend code from any platform. Players can now see other players vehicles in the lobby. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/76640c88084587f573e8ab2f2173860f082cd003.png[/img] [h3]Leaderboards[/h3] Another much-requested feature from the community was the addition of Leaderboards to the game. We have added both multiplayer and singleplayer leaderboards to the Time Trial tab in-game (previously named Solo). Multiplayer leaderboards show times that have been recorded in online games and are therefore verified times. Time Trial leaderboards are recorded by players offline and while these times are not verified, they will be moderated. We’ve also added a filter option; allowing you to switch between global leaderboards and those of your friends. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/c28f1bc6eee564312b1d683748dced74d0cb13b1.png[/img] [b]Known Issue:[/b] We are aware of a bug which may prevent a player's best singleplayer time from updating correctly. We have addressed the problem and a fix will be released shortly. [h3]6 New Levels[/h3] In this update we’ve added 6 new levels for you to enjoy. These are: [list] [*] Rough Hill [*] Hurricane Lane [*] Three peaks [*] Endurance [*] Par 5 [*] Avalanche [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/4f4f7e0bf307227a6bb34597276c96519982b30e.png[/img] [h3]New Car and Ball (Ratoon and Engine)[/h3] In addition to the 6 new levels, stand out from the crowd with the new post-apocalyptic Ratoon vehicle and Engine ball. You’d be madder than Mad Max if you miss these awesome new additions. Check out the video of the sweet new ride below. [previewyoutube=dobM9eKwwxo;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]New Power Cores[/h3] For the Mid-Season update we’ve added two new Power Cores and tweaked some existing ones to fix balance and gameplay issues. [list] [*] Ice Lock (Active) – Freeze your ball in its current position for a short while with Ice Lock [*] Big Shot (Passive) – Increase your ball hit power with the Big Shot Power Core [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/5d20ffe5db32993860e1a6867e1be05bb4fa9a06.png[/img] [b]Power Core Changes[/b] [list] [*] Hot Head has been buffed [*] Curve Ball strength has been reduced [*] Quick Flip now awards shield and boost for side flip. Side flip has been fixed at high speed [/list] [h3]New Cosmetics and Community Decals[/h3] As with all existing vehicles, the Ratoon car parts can be mixed and matched with other car parts to make a truly unique combination. These new cosmetic parts are: [list] [*] Ratoon car body [*] Glider spoiler [*] Vector wheels [*] Claws wheels [*] Shutter Club shield [/list] The community is what makes this game, and so we’re always looking to add community-created content into Turbo Golf Racing. In this update we’ve added *4 community-created decal sets as well as some additional ones from us. [list] [*] Diamond [*] Cross [*] Side Fade [*] Side Fade Extra [*] Catfish* [*] Burn* [*] Impact* [*] Floral* [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/871ddd05c8c203378775f4ad1c5e6e2a3a85ad3a.png[/img] In addition to the cool decals, we’ve added a new ‘Digital’ finish, Crosshair Avatar, and the following Booster styles: [list] [*] Volcano [*] Earth [*] Storm [/list] [h3]Changes to Quick Chat[/h3] The following changes have been made to the in-game quick chat system: Added: [list] [*] Good Luck [*] Good Game [*] Thanks [*] Well Played [*] Sorry! [/list] Removed: [list] [*] GG [*] GLHF [*] Party Face [/list] [h3]General Gameplay Improvements[/h3] We’ve made the following changes and improvements to Turbo Golf Racing; these have been split into gameplay, matchmaking, and game loop. Gameplay: [list] [*] Balanced the steering curve to be more consistent with speed increases [*] Added steering sensitivity slider [*] Halved the default aim assist [*] Small adjustments to the default camera angle [*] The ball prediction line is now off by default [*] Changed boost visuals (screen warp and boost lines. Added chromatic aberration) [*] Reduced the sensitivity of handbrake [*] Tightened the ‘dash camera’ [*] Networking improvements: Improved the camera behaviour where the players simulation falls behind the server [/list] Matchmaking: [list] [*] Players with less than 5 games played will have a limited map selection [*] Games with an average ELO of 1500 or more will not get given the shortest maps [*] Game loop: [*] The camera will now swap to spectator camera after scoring quicker [*] There is now a minimum time before the DNF timer begins counting, based on the level’s 3 star time [*] You can now score after the timer finishes to prevent a DNF if your last touch of the ball was prior to the timer hitting zero [*] Pressing Esc in the lobby will now bring up the exit game menu [*] The game won’t wait for AFK players during the countdown [*] Various level fixes and balances [/list] Finally, we want to take a minute to thank you for your continued patience, support, and also for your feedback; all of which is incredibly important to us. See you on the starting line! Team Hugecalf