Hello TGRacers, We have a small update for you! It addresses the 'out of bounds' issues, skips and small improvements too... Check it out! [b]SERVER MAINTENANCE: Matchmaking will be down for maintenance between 10BST and 12BST on 19/08/2022. [/b] [h3]Level Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] The Snake: Fixed in correct placement of Out Of Bounds [*] Neon Raceway: Fixed in correct placement of Out Of Bounds and addressed an unintended skip [*] Curvy Corners: Fixed in correct placement of Out Of Bounds [*] Spots and Shots: Fixed a level skip [/list] [h3]Misc Updates:[/h3] [list] [*] Improved the timing on the Rocket Shield Animation. It should now better represent when the shield is active! [*] Added Discord buttons to the homescreen [*] Updated Icecream truck name to ”‘Whippy” [*] Improved “QoS messaging” to better guide players who can’t find games using the matchmaking service... [/list] What's next for TGR? Check out our [url=https://turbogolf.racing/roadmap]Roadmap![/url] Team Hugecalf