[i]Hey Racers,[/i] For the first ever TGR patch, we wanted to give you something extra cool and sweet to munch on. We have also fixed some of the teething issues that some of you have encountered during the launch week. The details of which are all below ːsteamhappyː [h3][b]New Vehicle: [/b][/h3] Introducing [i]Whippy[/i] with its Waffle Roll Wheels, Wafer Spoiler and Lolly Thumper Shield. This ice-cold vehicle will be in the shop for the next 48 hours! Go on, treat yourself! [previewyoutube=hgCEioo0fDU;full][previewyoutube=LxoeifzKF2I;full][/previewyoutube][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]New Stuff:[/b][/h3] Everyone loves new stuff! Especially FREE new stuff and that's exactly what we've got for you. In addition to the awesome ice cream truck we've also added two new power cores, six new maps and an ice-box full of cosmetics. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/a448a438c63128215ca26a3a9577eebfcd7a8bd5.png[/img] [list] [*] More than 10 new cosmetic items for you to collect [*] New [i]Stomp[/i] Active Power Core - Stomps in to the ground, sending your ball flying with great force [*] New [i]Rough Rider[/i] Passive Power Core - Car ignores the effects of long grass [*]New Fire and Luck emojis [*] Six new levels: [list] [*] Rocket Ramp [*] The Snake [*] Bunker Balls [*] Dual Route Dash [*] Neon Raceway [*] A Walk in the Woods [/list][/list] [h3][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Players who experience “Waiting for QoS results” when searching for a game should manually select their region from the settings menu. [*] Fixed an issue where the game could cut to a black screen after the match ends [*] Fixed an issue on the [i]Spots And Shots[/i] level that caused a player's ball to get stuck in the hole [*] We’ve fixed various level exploits that would allow skipping of levels in unintended ways (thanks to the “TGR cool stuff” discord members for helping us find them!) [*] [Windows Store] Fixed an issue where players would get stuck on the “Logging you in with the Xbox network...” on login screen [*]We’ve removed the poop and yawn emojis [/list] [h1][b]Turbo Golf Racing Roadmap[/b][/h1] The fun doesn't end there; we wanted to give you an overview of what the roadmap is currently looking like for Turbo Golf Racing. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/94ea37e7e3829a6ed6298a84b572b884c8f64908.png[/img] For more information on what we have planned and to join in the discussion, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1324350/discussions/0/5733664933450551502/]check out the Steam Discussion here[/url]. If you want to be the first in the know when it comes to what's coming, make sure you[url=https://discord.gg/turbogr] join the official TGR discord[/url]. Thanks for your continued support and feedback; we will see you at the starting line! Team Hugecalf