[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/a318dbd26b8672a04f4429fe644ddaad479be2b1.png[/img] Hey there racers, We’re continually blown away by your submissions and suggestions for new content for the game; you’re an incredibly creative community and we love that! So for our latest community-design competition we thought we’d let you design a level! The winning design will be decided on by team Hugecalf 🐮, we will then make it and put it into the game. All you need to do is come up with your dream level and submit it via the dedicated Competitions channel on the official [url=https://www.discord.com/invite/turbogr]Turbo Golf Racing Discord[/url] before midnight on September 15th (BST) . You could submit a hand-drawn course on a napkin or a fully-rendered 3D model of your course – what you submit is entirely up to you. [b]Go solo or as a group:[/b] If you want to collaborate on a level design with friends, you can do so – we’ll credit you as a whole so come up with a witty collective name for inclusion in the game. If you’d prefer to design a level on your own, that’s A-OK with us. [b]Things to think about when designing your level:[/b] Aim to keep your designs within the existing framework that we use. This will maximise the chances of your level being picked and put into the game! Here are a few pointers that may assist you in your level creation. [b]The Hook: [/b] [list] [*] What makes your level stand out? [*] What makes it memorable? [/list] [b]Level Shape:[/b] [list] [*] What's the overall level shape? [*] Level length, how long will it take for players to complete? [*] How does the height change through the level? [*] Is it easy/hard for players to go out of bounds and how high are the barriers in each area? [/list] [b]How will players interact with your level?[/b] When creating your level, please consider the placement of these things: [list] [*] Boost pads [*] Boost rings [*] Pickups [*] Trees [*] Bunkers [*] Rough [/list] [b]Theme and Environment:[/b] [list] [*] What theme is the level in... Urban / Wild / Industrial ? [*] What colour scheme... blue / purple / red ? [/list] Have fun creating your levels, we are very much looking forward to seeing all of your submissions! Now some important rules and stuff. [b]The Rules:[/b] [list] [*] Competition Brief: Design a level for inclusion in a future Turbo Golf Racing update [*] Competition start date: September 1st 2022. [*] Competition end date: 23:59 PM, September 15th 2022. [*] Submission process: Entrants must submit their entry via the official [url=https://www.discord.com/invite/turbogr]Turbo Golf Racing Discord[/url] in the appropriate competition channels. Any entries submitted outside of this will not be considered. [*] By entering the competition, you agree that your entry and your name can be used in promotional activity such as social media posts. [*] Please note that the winning design may be altered at our discretion. [/list] [b]The Prize:[/b] One winning submission will be added to a future Turbo Golf Racing update and will be made available to play for an undetermined period.