Hey there racers, Have you ever wondered how we design and create levels? Have you got ideas of your own? Well, you’re in luck as we’ll be hosting a live stream this coming Wednesday (December 7th at 18:30 GMT) where you can find out all about Turbo Golf Racing’s level design and construction. We’ll be running through the fundamentals of level design and will create a level from scratch; you’ll be able to add your own ideas to the level via the live stream chat. The Live Stream starts at 18:30 GMT over on the official Turbo Golf Racing Discord. We hope to see you there! Join the Discord and get involved: https://discord.com/invite/TurboGR [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42160825/1d57f34b588679ec006783763e52a67499109640.png[/img]