It's been a busy few months! The game now officially has a [b]beginning and ending[/b], complete with cutscenes, credits and some cool surprises. I hope those of you lucky and dedicated enough enjoy what's store for the last legs of your journey! We've tested the Linux and Windows versions of Turbo Fat and everything seems to work on Steam OK! With that of the way, we've also started working [b]Steam integration[/b], including [b]Achievements[/b] and [b]Stats[/b] so that you can compare your progress with your friends and aim for 100%. After some discussions with the community discord, I think we've reached a happy medium where the achievements will be tough but not too frustrating. There are some insane white-knuckle challenges which nobody's come close to completing, but I think I'll leave those out of the achievements and leave them just to bragging rights! I've started polishing some of the rough edges of the game's UI, including adding a [b]fullscreen option[/b] and [b]better gamepad support[/b] but there's still some work to do before I'm happy with it. The creature and level editors still need a complete overhaul, and the UI could use some prettying up. But we're slowly getting there!