Update including Train identification device Addition
Author: Mizotsuki Rail (Acty),
published 10 months ago,
-Added a train identification device to the driver's console. This device is used to set the train class for vehicle ATS systems. Normally, leaving it on "Automatic" poses no issues. You can also manually set the class if needed.
-Due to the above change, certain signal operations have been modified.
-Fixed an issue in conductorless operation where the destination display on the destination indicator did not change for trains with a class change during operation.
-Corrected an issue where the left navigation on the screen did not work when guide messages were disabled.
-Added a setting to toggle the display of the navigation (HUD Settings).
-Resolved an issue where the train class would revert to its original setting upon game over for trains with a class change.
-A confirmation message will now be displayed for "Exit to Main Menu" and "Start over from starting station" in the pause menu.
*Original text (Japanese)*