Hey Total Tank Sim fans, We added modding support a while back and since then we’ve seen some great additions to the game! We’ve been testing some of the most popular mods to see how they fare. Here are the development teams’ Top 5 mods ( so far of course ) from our amazing modding community, if you haven’t checked out the mods yet please head over to the Steam Workshop tab and see what you think! Congratulations to the Top 5 showcased this month. [previewyoutube=Hqu6sn7m6TY;full][/previewyoutube] [u][b]The Top 5 [/b][/u] [i]Factories v2 macicek0071 [/i] [i]d-day by automatic [/i] [i]Greater Reich campaign - prussiain kaiser [/i] [i]battle of Smolensk – a regular gamer [/i] [i]Various Units – Rosehip [/i] Thanks again for all your support and enjoying the game, we would absolutely love to keep showcasing our favourites so please let us know what you want to see! ..and for those of you wanting an update, we have been looking into some technical items and processes for the game and hope to have some news for you before the summer :) Speak soon, The Noobz from Poland and 505 Games team