[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44950659/3c9f1558f32abdf94ea31d7fb59b53a8b54c013a.png[/img] Hi there! I've been working on some changes that are live now! I've introduced Difficulty as an option that will affect how long you are likely to survive. For balance purposes, the easier the game is, the less score you'll be earning. [h2]Now, to the content![/h2] If you read any introduction to Computer Science the first thing they tell you is what we all know as bugs are, in reality, mistakes. [h3]Mistakes fixed:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed Speed and Size Powerups [*] Seeing the victory screen without actually winning the game [*] You could softlock your run by going negative greed. That won't happen anymore [/list] Delving into UI/UX, I've been dabbling into making many screens easier to work with. [h3]QoL Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Added a Difficulty Settings screen accessible from the Start Menu [*] Added Sound Volume sliders for you to customize how you want it to sound [*] The Laser Sight is now a permanent option. You take a hit in your score multiplier though [*] Other QoL improvements, It looks nicer in general [/list] -------------------------------------------------------- As always, I welcome all feedback! This is a passion project for me so anything new I can work into it, I'll do my best to. Thanks! Nacho