Hi everyone! [b]Steam Awards[/b] are upon us, and we'd be honored if you voted for Timberborn in the "Labor of Love" category above. Timberborn has been in the works for over five years already, and the category's name perfectly summarizes what this game means to our small studio. And if you haven't had a chance to experience that for yourself yet, you can now grab Timberborn at a [b]20% discount[/b]! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062090/Timberborn/ We're also launching a new bundle with our fellow countrymen working on [b]Medieval Dynasty[/b]. If you want to see how [i]hoomans[/i] built their towns in the past - before eventually turning Earth into a barren wasteland under the rule of beavers - it's a perfect choice. And the discount is even higher! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/36623/Medieval_Beavers/ [h2]Update 5 - TL;DR[/h2] Finally, we want to catch you up on the status of [b]Update 5[/b], the upcoming content patch that brings the most significant changes since the Early Access launched in 2021. Update 5 has been receiving tweaks on the Experimental Branch for several weeks now, and the new content has already evolved compared to what we described in the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090/view/7034115464063354887]original announcement[/url]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/70145f55a73adc4f5dd4ad6250c8f16b15beb64d.gif[/img] Here's where we're at with Update 5 today, collected into handy bullet points. [list] [*] The update's highlight is [b]badwater[/b] (currently in its third color iteration). Badwater is fluid, toxic waste that flows from Badwater Sources and taints regular water sources during [i]badtides[/i] (see below). As explained in the post linked above, we strongly believe this new challenge makes the gameplay deeper and more varied, prevents "solving" a map too early, gives map creators extra tools, and addresses several common requests from players. [*] Badwater fully uses [b]in-game water physics[/b], powers up water wheels and so on. Most importantly, it mixes with regular water. [*] On top of badwater sources that burst with waste during wet seasons, we've added a new in-game season called [b]badtide[/b] to the rotation. When a badtide triggers instead of a drought, badwater starts flowing from regular water sources. [*] Beavers exposed to badwater may become [b]contaminated[/b]. Contaminated beavers [strike]turn into zombeavers[/strike] are very slow and refuse to work. They must be cured using faction-specific methods - either in special pods (Iron Teeth) or with herbal medicine (Folktails). [*] Badwater not only limits the irrigation range of regular water, but also [b]kills all plant life[/b] in affected areas. The effects become more severe with higher badwater concentrations. [*] To deal with badwater, you can use standard hydroengineering tools such as dams and floodgates. There are also special [b]new buildings[/b]: dedicated badwater pumps, faction-specific barriers that limit contamination spread, and different high-end structures that seal badwater sources. The Iron Teeth seal even allows the flow of badwater during drought if that's what you need. [*] Badwater also has a positive side - it's turned into the [b]extract[/b]. This new resource is used to enhance bots, breed adult kits in Iron Teeth-exclusive Advanced Breeding Pods, and even produce more powerful dynamite. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/f8d190c07163ff1db606e1d4d9c26a876f7376d4.gif[/img] [list] [*] Speaking of [b]terraforming[/b], it is no longer exclusive to bots. The mechanical beavers have another distinct advantage, though - they're immune to contamination. [*] For the update's launch, [b]all built-in maps will be reworked[/b] with badwater in mind. Right now, 9 out of 11 maps are ready. [*] Update 5 also adds many [b]new decorations and attractions[/b], most of them faction-specific. These range from lanterns and hammocks to exercise plazas and air tunnels. Here's a spoiler: there's more coming. [*] We've implemented multiple [b]quality-of-life tweaks[/b]. Keybindings are now customizable, saves have previews and extra details, custom map creators can add thumbnails and descriptions. [*] Update 5 features numerous other additions, some long overdue. These include the removal of the irrigation tower (!) and adding tree-cutting animations (!!!). [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/69b668fb4aaef232ca882b837a5027d566d8cbbd.gif[/img] We're not ready to share the main branch release date of Update 5 yet as we still have more things coming! Stay tuned for further updates - and if you want to read the full patch notes, go [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090]here[/url]. If you don't want to wait and are ready to try the sometimes-quirky [b]experimental builds[/b], check the instructions [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1062090/discussions/0/3195862975779063980/]here[/url]. Be sure to let us know your thoughts afterward - we appreciate your feedback, and that's how we decide what needs extra work. Thanks, and... please do remember about us in the [i]Steam Awards[/i] voting above, will you? - Team Timberborn