Hi beavers! Our open alpha stage is finished and we want to give huge thanks to everyone who participated. During the alpha testing, we had received tons of highly valuable feedback. We have implemented so much of it, that the game is now completely different from its alpha counterpart. Virtually every core mechanic has been revamped based on player feedback including the completely redesigned art style and a much more elaborate architecture system. Here are the most requested features (we implemented or are currently working on implementing): [list] [*]Dams god dam it! No true beaver game can do without them, and we’re gonna make Timberborn the greatest beaver game of all. [*]Support for higher population… the more beavers the better, obviously. [*]Automated tree cutting - it’s a small thing but one of the most commonly brought up PITAs. [*]Population growth is out of control, too slow in the early stages, and too fast in the end game. [*]More warehouse management features - we’ve added a number of features during the alpha, but you asked for more. [*]More production chains, more challenges such as fires or weather conditions, more everything - alright, you ask, we code. [*]More beaverness. We kept hearing that the settlements look too human-like, we are addressing that in multiple ways. [/list] It’s important to note that now the alpha stage is over, alpha Steam keys will no longer work and everyone who had one will find themselves unable to play the (alpha) game.