Hello, everyone! We hope the dry season is treating you well because it's time for a new [b]map-building contest[/b]! This time, we’re going with a specific theme - the goal is to create a cool new map that encourages players to use Timberborn's signature [b]verticality[/b]! The stakes are [i]high[/i] so you'd better [i]floor[/i] us with your ideas. Scroll [i]down[/i] for details. [h1]Sim Fest is here![/h1] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/simfest][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/c0a4c569117b82c8846d6bbd09af70324c443934.png[/img][/url] If you don't own Timberborn, don't worry. It's an excellent time to fix that mistake. [b]Until July 24[/b] (10 AM PST), Timberborn participates in this year's [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/simfest]Sim Fest[/url], an event full of amazing simulation-themed games, and you can get ours [b]20% off[/b]. How convenient, you get Timberborn for less and have plenty of time to participate in the contest! [h1]Build-a-Map Contest: Vertical Edition[/h1] [url=https://mod.io/g/timberborn][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/beb8307b4dff8225fda4d2a51fbd5d54de037dbf.png[/img][/url] The contest's goal is simple - use the built-in map editor to create a cool [b]new[/b] map, and upload it on [url=https://mod.io/g/timberborn]Mod.io[/url] by [b]August 20, 2023[/b] with a "Build-a-Map Contest 2" tag. On top of the usual originality, playability, and appearance criteria, we will also consider how the entries adapt Timberborn's [b]verticality[/b]. What this means is up to you. Timberborn features stackable architecture, stairs, platforms, and bridges. In-game water uses physics to adapt to the terrain's topography. The player can terraform the land further, even putting extra land blocks above the map editor’s height limit. And as part of this Build-a-Map Contest, you need to create a map that encourages the player to think [i]vertically[/i]. Our team will pick three winners - one per map size category, [b]1000 EUR[/b] each. You have a full month to participate, so remember - make your submission great, [i]the sky is the limit[/i]! uhh [h1]Extra notes[/h1] Before participating, please read the updated Terms & Conditions and Frequently Asked Questions, linked below. 🌍[url=https://mechanistry.com/contests/build-a-map-contest-2-terms-conditions]Terms & Conditions[/url]🌍 🌎[url=https://mod.io/g/timberborn/r/build-a-map-contest-2]Frequently Asked Questions[/url]🌎 Most importantly, note that we now require a [b]minimum of three screenshots[/b] as part of your submission, including at least one that shows the [b]entire map[/b]. And since this contest has a theme in place, we encourage you to put the description field to good use. Feel free to explain your idea behind the map, possible gameplay scenarios you had in mind and so on. And if, after reviewing the above documents, there are still any unanswered questions, let us know in the dedicated channel on our [url=http://discord.gg/timberborn]Discord server[/url]. Good luck!