Hello, everyone! The official release of [b]Update 6 - Wonders of Water[/b] is near, but there were a few extra things we needed to make it fully… [i]satisfactory[/i]. [h2]Visual[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/ab9b8d10da157eda5fe0e9846aca952036ea64a1.gif[/img] Update 6 allows you to build aqueducts, which means even more waterfalls popping up on the map. So why not make them all prettier… at least when playing on Ultra? [list] [*] Added particles to waterfalls, visible on the Ultra graphical preset. This change sounds simple, but we’ve encountered several serious issues with this little feature. Please let us know if you spot anything weird! [/list] [h2]Game over screen[/h2] After you launch a wonder for the first time, you are granted the highest of in-game honors and bask in the glory of the congratulations screen. Timberborn is a post-apocalyptic game, though, and sometimes, things don’t go as planned. We have a dedicated pop-up for that now, too. [list] [*] Added a game over screen, displayed after the population dies. [/list] [h2]Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] Sluices no longer leak to the sides. This applies both to the occasional visual bug and the actual gameplay issue. [*] Adult beavers no longer become a little too floaty after entering water directly from the stairs. [*] Fixed a bug with unfinished Impermeable Floor tiles disappearing after hiding their layer with the layer tool. [*] Bridges attached to overhangs now correctly display a path tile at the entrance. [*] The map thumbnail should no longer break on the congratulations screen at high UI scales. [*] Fixed a bug with power shaft connectors appearing on the incorrect side on flipped buildings (again!). [*] Restored AoE indicators to buildings being part of the larger construction preview. [/list]