Hi, everyone! We've had our share of hotfixes, so it's time for some extra [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090/view/6233625359675151561]Update 6[/url] content! Today, [b]Cliffside[/b] joins our official map roster - and it's a perfect choice for the enthusiasts of smaller settlements! Also, we're adding [b]Vertical Power Shafts[/b] to the game. With 3D water physics now available, the demand for vertical builds [i]skyrockets[/i], and these things are very handy! [h1]Patch notes 2024-07-03 (experimental)[/h1] As a reminder, to play on the experimental branch, follow the steps described here: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1062090/discussions/0/3195862975779063980/ style=button]Switching to Experimental Branch[/url] To see and use Steam Workshop during the experimental phase, you also need to join this group: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/timberborn-workshop-EXP-ONLY style=button]Timberborn Workshop group[/url] [h1]Vertical Power Shafts[/h1] The old way of running power between elevations was a little clunky - both in tight spaces and when you needed to cover a great height distance. Today, we're replacing the old High Power Shaft with three separate modules. Vertical Power Shafts stack vertically one atop another, and they can even power up buildings through the floor. There are also some other tweaks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/e087274183489fc65b338d5d3afd93e0ef4d5b96.gif[/img] [list] [*] New building: [b]Vertical Power Shaft[/b] (40 SP; 2 logs, 2 planks, 1 gear; Solid; must be placed above ground). Use this shaft to build vertical power lines and, thanks to its integrated platform, to power up buildings through the floor. [*] New buildings: [b]Upward Power Shaft[/b] and [b]Downward Power Shaft[/b] (20 SP; 2 logs, 2 planks, 1 gear each). These are used [i]in connection[/i] with Vertical Power Shafts but since they’re separate buildings, power lines can now turn in any direction without wasting space. [*] Updated buildings: Mechanical Fluid Pump and Deep Mechanical Fluid Pump. Power shafts can now connect from front and back (or even bottom!), and not just from the sides. Also, the Pump’s lower part now acts like a three-block levee, blocking water. [/list] [h1]3D water physics[/h1] We absolutely love what you're doing with the updated water physics system, so we wanted to expand it a little more. Keep your crazy builds coming! [list] [*] When a fluid reaches the ceiling above a covered fluid source and there’s a way for it to escape, for example to the side and upwards, it will do just that. In short, this means that you can now assemble pipe-like setups. [*] Water Sources can now be built over Natural Overhangs in the Map Editor. [*] Platforms covered with Impermeable Floors no longer allow water to pass through from below. [/list] [h1]Maps[/h1] We're adding our thirteenth official map, Cliffside, to the game. It's on the smaller side, making it an interesting - but a little more forgiving - choice for Diorama enjoyers. It is also our first official map featuring Natural Overhangs, encouraging you to play with 3D water physics. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/a45ee3835da003dd5cfaef04a80a7bf21f1cbc7f.png[/img] After you’ve had a chance to play on the new map, please share your feedback on [url=http://discord.gg/timberborn]our Discord[/url]! [list] [*] Added the new map to the game: [b]Cliffside[/b] (100x50). [/list] [h1]Misc.[/h1] [list] [*] Extended building times for most buildings so that you can enjoy the view of beavers hammering away a little more often. [*] When using the layer hiding tool, hidden layers of terrain are now more prominent so that it's easier to notice the tool is active. [*] When placing multiple Levees at once, you can now draw rectangles rather than just lines. Go crazy with the aqueducts! [*] Icons in the Power category on the toolbar are now more consistent color-wise. [*] Reduced the RAM and VRAM usage related to 3D water physics. [/list] [h1]Bugs[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with Sluices that would stop being one-directional (again!). [*] Impermeable Floor no longer blocks building a Lido or Swimming Pool above. [*] Fixed ranges not displaying correctly for buildings placed on platforms. [*] Fixed some broken text in the mod uploader. [*] Fixed textures on Floodgates. [*] Fixed a crash caused by deleting Detailer. [*] Fixed the incorrect construction site for the Badwater Rig. [*] Fixed the Large Water Wheel so that it’s possible to build Overhangs above its connection [*] Updated water particles for the Fluid Dump and the Mechanical Fluid Pump. [/list]