Having taken care of the most burning issue earlier today, here are several other tweaks. Thank you for your reports, everyone. <3 [h2]Misc.[/h2] [list] [*] Floodgates’ key binds can now be held so that changing the height values doesn’t take forever! [*] Updated the arrow displayed on the Sluice. It should now be easier to tell on which side the water comes out. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the visual artifacts in the water on certain GPUs. If you are still experiencing the problem, please let us know. [*] Fixed a bug with the Sluice not opening correctly after switching from Auto to Open. [*] Fixed the settlement name input field disappearing on ultrawide monitors. [*] Fixed a bug with the [i]Mark resources for demolition[/i] tool selecting objects outside of the originally selected layer. [*] Fixed a bug with stumps blocking path placement. [/list]