Hi everyone! Big thanks for the extensive feedback we’ve been receiving from you since [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1062090/announcements/detail/3899617007497823460]Monday’s patch[/url]. Today, we’re fixing several outstanding issues but if you notice any further quirks, be sure to let us know! [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed several scenarios where adding a single water tile actually [i]reduced[/i] the water body’s irrigation range. Thank you for the detailed reports such as [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1062090/discussions/4/4029095737387080175/]this one[/url]! <3 [*] Fixed a bug with the Temple’s extract-fuelled flame not going out even when no extract was in the building’s inventory. [*] Borders of contaminated ground are now not as sharp and jarring. [*] Dandelions are now categorized as ingredients, similar to coffee beans. [*] Fixed a minor translation error. [/list]