Patch notes 2023-05-25 (Experimental)
Author: Miami_Mechanistry,
published 1 year ago,
Hello everyone!
We're delighted by the initial [url=]Update 4[/url] reception. Still, there are always tweaks to be made, and the first batch of extra changes has just landed on the experimental branch. Thank you for the feedback!
[*] Buildings that are not connected to districts no longer display the “Vacant” status.
[*] District Crossing no longer has one half blocked from use when the other half is not connected to a district.
[*] The Meshy documentation now features a Timberborn-specific section. If you’re a modder, [url=]check it out[/url].
[*] Made several minor optimizations.
[*] Bots no longer use benches. :(
[*] Wandering beavers, for example at the start of the game, are now less scared of the grim future and do not aggressively hug each on the same tile.
[h1]Bug fixes[/h1]
[*] Fixed the “Entrance blocked” warning on Underground Pile not appearing when the entrance was actually blocked by another building.
[*] Made minor tweaks to icons and tooltips.
[*] Made minor tweaks to Update 4 translations.
[*] When the player sets a Warehouses to “Empty” and selects a new good, that good will now be correctly accepted from other warehouses being emptied.
[*] Fixed a bug with Mangrove Trees not self-spreading onto adjacent tiles.
[*] Fixed the water particles in the Mechanical Water Pump.
[*] Fixed a bug with buildings disappearing from finished terrain blocks.
[*] Fix a rare crash occurring during an autosave.
[*] Fixed a bug with Chestnut Tree to Pine conversion on pre-Update 4 Iron Teeth saves which resulted in twisted Pines-but-with-Chestnuts hybrids.