Hello everyone! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090/view/3686800359990736871]Update 4[/url] distinguishes the beaver factions in a big way, splitting their food chains entirely, but there are also other tweaks. These continue today with an update to the decoration roster. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36026812/4700f004e546081ad6f14de98dd1d5ec1d05c045.png[/img] [h1]Decorations[/h1] The faction identity can be seen even in the smallest creations! [list] [*] New building: [b]Hedge[/b]. This replaces the Log Fence and is a new Folktails-exclusive decoration. [*] Metal Fence received an updated model and is now Iron Teeth-exclusive. [*] Benches, Shrubs, and Wood Fences (previously: Plank Fences) now use different, faction-specific models. [/list] [h1]Distribution[/h1] We're delighted with the response to the automated distribution, but we agree that we could explain it better. [list] [*] Updated the Distribution tab with detailed tooltips and fancy colors. [/list] [h1]Misc.[/h1] [list] [*] Added some missing flavor texts that definitely weren't supposed to be added over a year ago. [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed the OP Control Towers that would boost bots even when turned off or after science points run out. [*] Fixed shafts that would sometimes jam and not rotate. [*] Fixed a crash caused by rubble moving out of the selected area when using a selection tool. [*] Fixed a crash caused by a beaver trying to crash on a bench that's just disappeared. [/list]