Thank you for all your reports and feedback! Please keep it coming, and good things will happen to you. [h1]Optimizations[/h1] The optimizations will continue until the morale improves. [list] [*] Updated the animation system for buildings. This should slightly improve the game’s performance. (A similar update for character animations was already included in the original Update 4 release). [/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] We’ve realized Hydroponic Garden could use a little more variation in its recipes. [list] [*] Mushroom: cost reduced to 40 water (from 50), growth time reduced to 8 days (from 10), yield reduced to 45 (from 60). [*] Algae: cost increased to 60 water (from 50), growth time increased to 12 days (from 10), yield increased to 70 (from 60). [*] Food Factory: output for Algae rations increased to 6 from 3 (production time and cost remain unchanged). [/list] [h1]Audio[/h1] [list] [*] Added new sounds for Fermenter and Wood Workshop. [*] Water-requiring buildings will no longer play their water-ish sounds even when placed in water-free areas. [i]Muh immersion![/i] [/list] [h1]Misc.[/h1] [list] [*] Platforms can once again be placed on top of Medical Beds - now with 94,3% less clipping! [*] Natural resources such as trees no longer aggressively self-spread onto higher tiles and threaten the beavers with “The Last of Us” scenario. [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a crash caused by deleting Rubble right as it was to be picked up. [*] Fixed a bug with lazy distributors that wouldn’t care enough to pick up single leftover pieces of goods. [*] Fixed a bug with corner-cutting distributors that would just rush to their destination, ignoring the paths carefully placed by the player. [*] Fixed the broken custom goods recovery rate available as part of the custom difficulty setup. [*] Fixed Fermenters and Coffee Breweries using up energy even when not working. [*] Fixed some visual bugs with backpacks and carried goods. [*] The settlement panel will no longer crash when the player interacts with a dead beaver. [*] Fixed a weirdly specific visual issue with Tapper’s Shack doorstep interfering with decorations’ AoE indicators. [/list]