[h1]Misc.[/h1] [list] [*] Updated an icon for Hauling Post. [*] It is now always possible to choose “Obtain” on storage buildings. [*] Storage buildings set to "Obtain" in a district without a Hauling Post will display a warning. [/list] [h1]Bugfixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed input boxes (such as the one used to rename a unit) that would not be focused right after opening. [*] Fixed several crashes. [*] Issues with macOS Ventura should now be fixed. [/list] --- [h1]IMPORTANT REMINDER[/h1] Saves created on [b]Update 2[/b] and before are incompatible with [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090/view/3642880119681331392]Update 3[/url]. This sucks, yes, and we try to limit losing save compatibility to the minimum - but it’s not always possible. With the reworked storage system added in Update 3, it had to be done. However, we have added Update 2 on a separate branch. This way, you're able to continue your U2 playthrough as long as you're fine with not having access to the U3 features. Please check [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1062090/discussions/0/3195862975779063980/]this thread[/url] if you want to play on the Update 2 branch.