Patch notes 2022-09-22 (Experimental)
Author: nsg,
published 2 years ago,
Update 2 might already be out to the public, but the experimental branch never sleeps. Here are some small improvements - enjoy!
[*] The beaver shanty made by our community “The Shores of Beaver Bay” will now play during credits.
[*] Updated the scrollbar design in some interfaces.
[*] Fixed some off-center icons in building cost tooltips.
[*] Fixed the displaced hide/show water button.
[*] Updated the icon for a construction site being unreachable.
[*] Improved building deletion tool selection, it should no longer mark unintended targets as often.
[*] Unreachable resources marked for deletion will now display this information.
[*] Reversed the order in IDedicatedDecoratorInitializer - if you’re a modder you know what that means.
[*] Buildings with entrances above the ground level no longer show “Entrance blocked” warning during construction site placement.
[*] Placing a large number of shrines close to one another will no longer make the fire sound effect too loud.
[*] Fixed selected construction site appearing incorrectly when closing a building category on the toolbar.
[*] Fixed not being able to select the Golem Part Factory when clicking at its front at a certain angle.
[*] Fixed Wellbeing Summary panel displaying “NaN” values at 0 population.
[*] Fixed minor translation errors.