Patch notes 2020-07-23
Author: mechanistry,
published 4 years ago,
A new build of Timberborn is now live on Steam! The new version introduces two experimental changes:
[h2]New buildings[/h2]
Labor house and Labor flag have been replaced with four buildings: Builder's Hut, Builder Flag, Lumberjack Flag and Gatherer Flag. That change addresses a number of problems brought up by the community. Most importantly, you now have better control of how many beavers cut trees, gather berries and build new structures. It also allows the game to better communicate when there is a problem which stops your beavers from working, such as a missing log pile or a warehouse.
[h2]New rendering engine[/h2]
We have replaced the underlying rendering solution with a more modern one. The immediate effect is that the game runs on average 15-20% faster. In the long run, it will also allow us to improve the graphics of the game - a small taste of that is the newly added fog effect and slightly fine-tuned colors.
In terms of balancing, the game starts with an increased amount of berries in the initial warehouse but fewer berry bushes on the map.
[b]And now... We. Need. Your. Feedback![/b] Let us know what you think of the new buildings and if you're seeing improved (or degraded...) performance - share your observations in [url=]our Discord[/url].
[b]A word of caution:[/b] The new version is technically compatible with older save games but your Labor houses will be replaced with Builder's huts which do not cut trees or berries. Because of that we recommend that you start a new game. Also, for those of you who create or play on custom maps, the starting location now takes up more space: 3x4 tiles instead of 2x3. The custom map must have enough room for the larger start area, or you will not be able to play.
Have fun playing!