Build-a-Map Contest 2 results are here!
Author: Miami_Mechanistry,
published 1 year ago,
Hello everyone,
We're proud to say that our second map-building contest on generated quite a buzz! With 250 entries, picking the winners was a difficult task, but thanks to the people’s vote held within the studio, we managed to narrow the selection with some extra insight from our Game Designer Adrian!
The [b]three maps[/b] we liked most will earn their makers [b]1000 EUR each[/b] (as well as an eternal place in the game's credits). The competition was fierce, with single votes deciding victors, so we’ll also have[b] three honorable mentions[/b] in each category.
On top of the usual criteria of originality, visuals, and gameplay value, this competition had a theme of [b]verticality[/b]. We opened that to interpretation and saw the creators develop many different [i]approaches[/i]. We’ve seen height jumps that required investing in stairs, the verticality revealing itself after water levels dropped, steep hills that encouraged building on platforms, and all kinds of narrow valleys with cascading rivers where stacking buildings helps expand across limited space.
Without further ado, here are our favourite maps of Build-a-Map Contest 2! Follow the links to download them from [url=][/url] (or check out the [url=]Mod Manager[/url] to do that within the game).
[h2]Small maps (128x128 and below) - WINNER[/h2]
[h3][url=]The Great Grand Green Canyon (128x128)[/url] by Fearitself_1991[/h3]
This map creator has taken verticality to their heart, filling the limited map area with extreme height differences and allowing for interesting water circulation using the aqueduct-like walls. We have seen several similar designs across all map sizes, but this one came ahead in the team's voting session with its varied, semi-symmetrical setup that turns out to be quite a challenge with weak water sources.
[h2]Small maps (128x128 and below) - honorable mentions[/h2]
[h3][url=]Logro's Canyon (128x128)[/url] by Logredahr[/h3]
Described by its author as simply as "the map I've always wanted to play", the canyon features a flat oasis-like starting area and a waterfall that leaves a trough behind when all else dries out. The relaxed vertical expansion will be rewarded aplenty, however, with metal deposits, irrigated farmlands, and more.
[h3][url=]Beaver Battleground Ruins (105x105)[/url] by Arveid[/h3]
Images of the Colosseum spring to mind here, with the round central structure surrounded by columns and slopes that resemble seats for the audience (and roofs outside). It's great to see in-game objects used in such a creative way, especially when it's more than just for looks.
[h3][url=]Circle of Life (64x64)[/url] by whereswalden[/h3]
This is one of the best Diorama-like creations from the contest - we really like how the water spirals down over an uneven riverbed, covering a wide area. The metal sources are also on elevated areas, requiring some climbing.
[h2]Medium maps (129x129 through 255x255) - WINNER[/h2]
[h3][url=]Winding River Falls (80x250)[/url] by Aniqua88[/h3]
After being placed on the list honorably mentioned in the previous contest, Aniqua88 returned to conquer our studio's hearts with this rectangular map of unusual dimensions. With limited room at the start, your beavers must climb upstream and push forward, immediately prioritizing green land for crops and placing buildings on the raised parts. Just don't break the barriers to guarantee your beavers are being fed!
[h2]Medium maps (129x129 through 255x255) - honorable mentions[/h2]
[h3][url=]Pit Cave (192x192)[/url] by KassGrain[/h3]
The Pit Cave's "get yourself out of this pit you dug" scenario splits the playthrough into two stages. First, you must stack the buildings and stairs to escape the chasm with limited access to arable areas. This opens up access to multiple more beaver-friendly sections of the map, with extra challenges from reaching new metal sources.
[h3][url=]Midori no hashira kyōkoku (256x128)[/url] by undeadtoasty[/h3]
We love this highly detailed setup inspired by a real-life national park in China. The meticulously placed plant life, the deep canyons, and rivers cascading down over dead trees toward the open water area at the far end enable city building with a massive dose of exploration (and deforestation).
[h3][url=]The Climb (132x132)[/url] by Revenio_[/h3]
Beavers will indeed test their climbing skills here. The contained starting area with a small spring opens up to several possible expansion routes. The narrow, deep, and walled riverbed behind the hills becomes a prime target, leading to an even more tempting set of underground sites in the desert.
[h2]Large maps (256x256 and above) - WINNER[/h2]
[h3][url=]Terrace Valley (256x256)[/url] by Monlac[/h3]
Like in the previous contest, the biggest challenge on the large maps proved to be using the space to its fullest potential - this time, with the need to go vertical. Terrace Valley shined here by offering a landscape with multiple spread-out points of interest and enchanted us with different takes on the titular terraces. You will start in a reasonably peaceful corner where you can set up your settlement before exploring further, naturally gravitating towards the eye-catching ruined isle in the center.
[h2]Large maps (256x256 and above) - honorable mentions[/h2]
[h3][url=]Descent (256x256)[/url] by Vargares[/h3]
Pillars upon pillars with dried trees are scattered across this map, one acting as the starting area. On top of encouraging some hardcore bridge-building, Vargares has managed to build a rich, realistic landscape with rocky riverbeds and naturally formed stairs not just for [i]descending[/i].
[h3][url=]Central Expanse (256x256)[/url] by totrider[/h3]
We appreciate the concept behind this map (be sure to read the description!). Instead of going for a typical river starting at the map's edge, totrider opens up with three adjacent wells in the starting area. They're dammable at different heights, gradually " unlocking" further sectors of an otherwise dry map. By demolishing barriers scattered around, you can control the otherwise natural navigation across the varied landscape.
[h3][url=]The Three Towers (256x256)[/url] by CesarinPillinGaming[/h3]
With a name like this, we expected three giant pillars with a forest [strike]of Fangorn[/strike] between them. The "towers" however are the elevated areas that freely spill water onto the areas below, leading to an exciting challenge. Once you take care of the initial area, the further damming business should require some clever planning/
Once again, congratulations to the winners and the honorably mentioned, and big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the contest. There will be more in the future, that's for sure, but in the meantime, [url=]head over to[/url] to check the full selection of participating entries.