To celebrate the release of Timberborn's [url=]first demo[/url] and the long-awaited Steam Game Festival, we're hosting a few live streams! [list] [*] On [b]Thursday, February 4th, 8 AM GMT[/b] – we’ll kick things off with a [b]four-hour-long event[/b]. You will be able to watch our game designer Jon tackle the entire demo live! If you have tried the demo already but your beavers are dying left and right, this is a perfect opportunity to ask for a hint! Unless, of course, Jon's colony is also starved and thirsty. [*] On [b]Friday, February 5th, 2 PM GMT[/b], Jon will be joined by our comms guy Michal for the [b]main live stream[/b]. We will show you what Timberborn is about – and we won't limit ourselves to the constraints of the demo. We'll take you to the paradise city where the grass is green and all buildings are unlocked, beavers are many, and the map editor works. [*] On [b]Monday, February 8th, 2 PM GMT[/b], we’ll play the demo again, but we'll spice it up with a [b]challenge[/b]. We still need to decide what it’s going to be. Can the demo be beaten without growing a single carrot? Is it possible to build a monument that will be more than a tombstone for dead beavers? If you want to see Jon struggle a bit, feel free to give us an idea for a challenge you want to see! Make your suggestions during streams on February 4th and 5th, below, or on [url=]our Discord[/url]! [/list] Speaking of which – make sure you join our Discord beaver community to discuss the demo – and more! [url=][img][/img][/url] All three live streams will be available here on Steam but also on [url=]our Twitch[/url]. The Friday/Monday streams will also go live on our [url=]YouTube channel[/url] and [url=]Timberborn's fan page on Facebook[/url]. Choose your platform, set a reminder, and join us!