[img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/a0be2aae-92a4-40bd-94ff-a3f311533783/BBQ_SocialUpdates_PatchNotes_11_28_23.jpg?format=2500w[/img] [b] Here are the Patch Notes for November 28th, 2023 [/b] The following notes are for our upcoming, November 28th, 2023 patch. It is scheduled to begin rolling out on console and PC at roughly 2PM Eastern US time. [b]PATCH NOTES[/b] [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy’s Trap Alerts - We have fixed an issue where Nancy’s traps did not trigger any notifications [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Footstep Audio - The following audio issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Footsteps from players in the tunnels can be heard above ground on Family House [*] Phantom footsteps can be heard while standing in front of the Family House [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Translated Character Bios - We have fixed an issue where the character bios for Connie, Leland, Julie, Cook, and Sissy were not translating to players selected language [b]Fixed:[/b] Disappearing Ladder in Trophy Room - We have fixed an issue where a ladder in the Trophy Room on Nancy’s House disappeared after using it [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy’s Trap Outlines - We have fixed an issue where Nancy’s traps showed a hologram outline [b]Fixed:[/b] “I’m Comin’ for Ya” Achievement - We have fixed an issue where the “I’m Comin’ for Ya” achievement would unlock without meeting the requirements [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Execution Animations - The following execution animation issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Victim’s models ragdoll too early during Hitchhiker’s “You Hear Me” execution [*] Nancy’s weapon isn’t aligned with a Victim’s neck during her “Road Kill” execution [*] Victim’s models ragdoll during the second hit of the Cook’s “Stick it to Them” execution [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Johnny Animations - We have fixed an issue where Johnny’s footprints would disappear abruptly when his special ability ends [list] [*] Footprints will now fade away over time [*] We have fixed an issue where Johnny wasn’t looking at the floor while using his special ability to follow victims footsteps [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Blood Reflection Flickering on Low Graphic Settings - We have fixed an issue where blood reflections flickered in the Gore Room on Family House when using the low graphic settings [b]Fixed:[/b] Mud Pile Asset Not Appearing - We have fixed an issue where mud piles were not appearing on the Family House map [b]Fixed:[/b] Inconsistent Range When Listening to Noise from Items - We have fixed an issue where there’s an inconsistent hearing range when players went over the noise thresholds while searching for a lockpick or bone pile on Family House [list] [*] Now, when too much noise is made when grabbing a lockpick or searching a bone pile, the range the sound can be heard is consistent between the two [/list] [b]Fixed: [/b]Various Audio Issues - The following audio issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Various ambient noises on Nancy’s house ending abruptly [*] Sound occlusion is the same for a closed and open garage door [*] Passing the noise threshold when collecting a bone scrap could be heard through the ground [*] Audio missing in the “Recording the Saw” behind the scenes unlockables [*] Audio from outside cuts off when inside the Barn on Family House near the front road [*] Audio for the gates on Slaughterhouse cannot be heard [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Spectating Lockpicking Audio - We have fixed an issue where players would hear a loud boom sound when spectating a teammate completing the lockpicking minigame [b]Fixed:[/b] Voice Chat Drops in Lobby and Match - We have fixed an issue where voice chat isn’t functional in both the lobby and during a match when using ‘push to talk’ and ‘on’ settings [b]Fixed: [/b]Family Stun Locked After Close Encounter and Sneak Attack - We have fixed an issue where if a Family member is sneak attacked after losing a close encounter they were stun locked and unable to attack or interact with the environment for the rest of the match [b]Fixed:[/b] Camera Angles and Crawl Spaces - We have fixed an issue where the camera would focus on the character’s leg when a Victim player stands up after going through a crawl space [b]Fixed:[/b] Character Ability XP Gain - We have fixed an issue where players would see -1 for their character ability as well as showing that no XP had been gained [b]Fixed:[/b] Text Chat Not Working in Lobby Chat When Using Mouse - We have fixed an issue where text chat would not work when clicking the text box with a mouse [b]Fixed:[/b] Intro Crawl Text Issues - The following intro crawl issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Crawl text does not play when starting up The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [*] Crawl text would cut off too early [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] “No valid user ID yet” Error - We have fixed an issue with the LogBBQCore: Error: UBBQGameInstance::FetchAndLoadPlayerStats - No valid user ID yet showing up in the logs [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Crashes - The following crashes have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Game would crash when a Family member reconnects to a match after disconnecting and being sneak attacked [*] Server would crash if Danny was a playable victim in a match [*] Game would crash after X-ing out of the title or using ALT F4 [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Executed Victims Appear Alive in Spectator Mode - We have fixed an issue when a Victim disconnects and gets executed, upon rejoining, the victim appears alive in spectator mode [b]Fixed:[/b] Invalid Credentials Error After 1 Hour of Gameplay - We have fixed an issue where some players would receive an Invalid Credentials Error after playing continuously for over 1 hour [b]Fixed:[/b] Foliage Popping In and Out on Family House - We have fixed an issue where some foliage and environmental assets would pop in and out, potentially exposing hiding Victims [b]Fixed:[/b] Victims Unable to Move After Traversing Ladder on Family House - We have fixed an issue where if a victim drops down the ladder in the Blood Bathroom on the Family House map and climbs up it again, they would get stuck when reaching the top [b]Fixed:[/b] Family House Assets Being Climbable - The following climbable objects issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Players able to climb over a Blood Bucket in Leatherface’s Lair [*] Players able to climb over a chair in the Side Garden Tunnel [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Players Getting Stuck on a Door - We have fixed an issue where players would get stuck between the door and assets next to the walls in Basement Storage on Family House [b]Fixed:[/b] Safe Spot - Silencing Nugget on Family House - We have fixed an issue where if a victim stabs the Nugget near the Windmill at a certain angle, they would land on top of the wooden box asset rendering them unhittable [b]Fixed: [/b] Bottle Clipping into a Health Potion on Family House - We have fixed an issue where a bottle was clipping into a health potion in the Sitting Room [b]Fixed:[/b] Blood on Family Members - Family House - We have fixed an issue where blood on Family members appears golden in the corner of the Bone Room [b]Fixed:[/b] Blacked Out Newspaper Texture - We have fixed an issue where the newspaper on the floor of the Bathroom on the Gas Station map has a blacked out texture [b]Fixed:[/b] Car Battery on Gas Station - We have fixed an issue where the car battery in the Backfield area was misaligned with the car [b]Fixed:[/b] Stuck Spots on Gas Station Map - The following stuck spots on Gas Station have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Players would get stuck on a mattress in the House Basement while crouching [*] Players would get stuck on wooden pallets when silencing Nugget at a certain angle in the Compound area [*] Players would get stuck on a log in the Compound area [/list] [b]Fixed: [/b] Lighting Issues on Gas Station -The following lighting issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Lighting in the Kitchen area appeared to flicker and be pixelated during the Day variant [*] Kitchen area lighting caused shadows to flicker on the walls [*] Light leaks in the Kitchen area when traversing the gap from the Kitchen to the Living Room [*] Lights flicker on the wall in the Barn area [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Players Floating on Gas Station Map assets - The following floaty bits have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Players would appear to be floating on the branches in the Exterior area near the Road Exit [*] Players appeared to be floating while sprinting against the edge of the stair railing in Leatherface’s Lair [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Surface Collision Missing on Gas Station - We have fixed an issue where the surface collision on the Main Road area is missing and players would sink into the road textures [b]Fixed:[/b] Illogical Hiding Spot on Gas Station - We have fixed an issue where Victims would be hidden in a spot in the Exterior area next to the Workshop, despite it being exposed and well lit on the day variant -Night variant is logical and unchanged due to the shadows present in that spot [b]Fixed:[/b] Shadows Fading on Foliage and Trees - We have fixed an issue where shadows appeared to fade in when running towards foliage and trees on Family House Map [b]Fixed:[/b] Light Bleeding from Leatherface’s Chainsaw - We have fixed an issue when Leatherface’s chainsaw sparks from hitting a metal object, those sparks could be seen under the walls [b]Fixed:[/b] Lighting Issues on Slaughterhouse - The following Slaughterhouse lighting issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Lighting was illogical on the wall and roof of the Slaughterhouse corridor [*] Lighting was illogical in the Meat Inspection area [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Incorrect Location Name on Nancy’s House - We have fixed an issue where a room was labeled as ‘Exterior’ between the North Tunnel and Trophy Room [b]Fixed:[/b] Bone and Skull Clipping on Slaughterhouse - We have fixed an issue where the bone and skulls of a barricade were clipping into the wall in the West Tunnel [b]Fixed:[/b] Stuck Spots on Slaughterhouse - The following Slaughterhouse stuck spots have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Players would get stuck on the mattress in the Garage area [*] Cook and Hitchhiker would get stuck in the wall if a fuse didn’t spawn in the Cutting Room [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Invisible Collision in Bushes on Slaughterhouse - We have fixed an issue where there is an invisible collision on the bushes outside of the Garage area [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Textures - The following texture issues have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Texture of a rusty metal sheet in the South Tunnel on Slaughterhouse appeared as transparent on one side [*] Textures loaded in slowly on low settings at the beginning of a match [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] ‘Face Grinder’ Execution Not Present - We have fixed an issue where the ‘Face Grinder” execution was not present in the execution selection menu [b]Fixed:[/b] Stamina Boost Regeneration when a Victim Disconnects - We have fixed an issue where stamina regeneration boosts for all Victim players close to a Victim who disconnects [b]Fixed:[/b] Engine.ini File Edits to Remove Foliage - We have fixed an issue where players were able to change the engine.ini files to remove and adjust foliage - Those files have been strengthened to combat exploitive player behavior [b]Fixed: [/b]Victims Bypass a Fence to Collect a Bone Scrap on Gas Station - We have fixed an issue where Victim players were able to travel to the opposite side of the fence near the Garden Shed to collect a bone scrap [b]Fixed:[/b] Disconnection Exploit - We have fixed an issue where players would disconnect from the internet while moving in order to not receive damage from attacks, break chase, create a distraction, or to scare victims out of hiding spots - Disconnected players will now stay in place upon disconnection [b]Fixed:[/b] Door Slamming Dead Victims for XP - We have fixed an issue where Family players could repeatedly door slam a dead victim for XP if executed in a doorway [b]Fixed:[/b] Players Gaining 2x XP with Spectator Mode - We have fixed an issue where players were granted XP twice when they immediately left spectator mode after entering it [b]Fixed:[/b] Audio Bug with Fuse Door Slam - Fixed an audio issue that made the fusebox door slam sound not trigger [b]Fixed:[/b] XP Earned Despite Disconnect - We fixed an issue that would cause Family members to not earn kill XP if the Victim disconnects during the execution [b]Fixed: [/b]Redirect to Platform Store - Fixed an issue causing the link to the store page not to function on some platforms [b]Fixed:[/b] Party Voice Chat - We resolved and issue that would cause voice chat not to work properly for some party members [b]Fixed: [/b]Spectator Camera Drag - Improved responsiveness of camera switching between spectating different Victims [b]Fixed:[/b] Push To Talk Stuck - Fixed an issue that would cause the voice chat to be stuck open even when PTT is selected - This issue occurred most when exiting the pause menu [b]Fixed: [/b]Various Minor UI/HUD Issues - The following UI/HUD issues are fixed in this patch [list] [*] Typo corrected in Victim Condition Level 3 [*] Part of Spectator UI remaining visible in pause menu [*] Network Error box that cannot be closed without restarting [*] Fixed placeholder text in loading screen tip [*] Missing “MAX” level indicator when reaching level 99 [*] Victim portrait corners are darkened when escaped or disconnected [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Minor UI Issues - The following UI issues are fixed in this patch [list] [*] Unlockable videos stuttering on some platforms [*] Rebinding keys causes skill tree video to not show button icons [*] Keyboard not showing on certain platforms in certain modes [*] Entering spectator mode sometimes removes button functions [*] Several visual bugs in ability tree menu [*] Freezing briefly when exiting skill tree fullscreen mode [*] Performance mode option showing on inapplicable platforms [*] Placeholder videos on some platforms in unlockables [*] Placeholder text in Saboteur perk description [*] Loss of function if party hosts starts matchmaking while others are in menus [*] Party leader disconnecting while on menu does not disband party - This refers to main menu disconnect, such as due to outage or interruption, not leaving a match intentionally - The party should disband here, so that they are not stuck - The bug caused certain party members to be stuck in party [*] Player level showing 0 after a disconnect [*] Delay in character and map icons updating after returning to lobby post match [*] Text typos in end user license agreement [*] Missing executions in menu [*] Native platform invite missing in custom lobbies [*] Hitchhiker’s Bloody Skin missing from cosmetics menu [*] Invite delay if attempting to invite too quickly after creating a custom lobby [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Strength Attribute Description - Strength attribute description now includes barging doors as affected by Strength [b]Fixed:[/b] Missing Localizations - Fixed a few missing localizations for text in menu headings, etc. [b]Fixed:[/b] Hitchhiker 3 Trap Instant Kill - We have fixed an issue that allowed the Hitchhiker to place 3 traps next to each other, resulting in instant kills of Victims [b]Fixed:[/b] Spectator/Camera Issues - We have fixed the following spectator and camera related issues [list] [*] When switching to Victim in basement to spectate, camera becomes displaced [*] Delay going into spectator mode [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Chat and Scoreboard Soft Lock - We have fixed an issue that would cause the game to lock up if chat was opened while viewing the scoreboard [b]Fixed:[/b] Slaughterhouse Out of Bounds - Fixed an issue that would allow users to climb a fence and exit the Slaughterhouse map into unplayable areas [b]Fixed:[/b] Saboteur Perk and Fusebox - We have fixed the Saboteur perk to now affect the fusebox, as is stated in the perk description [b]Fixed:[/b] Right Shift Rebind - You can now properly rebind the right shift key [b]Fixed:[/b] Chat Key Rebind - You can now rebind the chat key [b]Fixed:[/b] New Character Unlocks - Fixed an issue that would prevent players from purchasing new characters on certain platforms [b]Fixed:[/b] Party Invite Unavailable - This issue was causing issues inviting players when different cross play settings were being used - This issue would lock up follow up invites, even if settings were changed [b]Fixed:[/b] Visual Bug with Character Levels - We fixed a visual bug that would not show a fully maxed out character as having a full (yellow) progress bar [b]Fixed:[/b] Visual Bug with Earned Skill Points - We fixed a visual bug that would show “total sp earned” from custom lobbies - Skill Points are not earned in custom lobbies [b]Fixed:[/b] Temp White Box for Player Icon - This fix is for a white placeholder box for player’s icons while they are joining a custom lobby [b]Fixed:[/b] No Sell and Leatherface Revved Up Attack - We have fixed an issue causing No Sell to not properly trigger when being hit by a revved up chainsaw [b]Fixed:[/b] Extra Drip Perk Fix - This issue caused the Extra Drip effect to never end if a Victim was healed by a teammate while healing themselves - This perk will still pop in healing events, but no longer gets stuck on [b]Fixed:[/b] Choose Flight Stutters - Resolved an issue causing a stutter or laggy appearance when using Choose Flight [b]Fixed:[/b] FPS Drops when Returning to Main Menu - We have fixed an issue causing an FPS drop when returning to the main menu from the skill tree and cosmetics screen [b]Fixed:[/b] Flickering Leaves - Fixed an issue where some leaves would flicker and flash when certain settings are used [b]Fixed:[/b] Failed To Join Party Reinvite - We have fixed an issue that would prevent a player from being reinvited if they failed an invite due to any network error [b]Fixed:[/b] Next Match Dropping Party - Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the party to exit to main menu despite party leader selecting “Next Match” [b]Fixed:[/b] Connection Issues Disabling Party Creation - We have fixed an issue that would lock up party creation due to intermittent connection issues [b]Fixed:[/b] Connection Issues Disabling Matchmaking - We have fixed an issue that would lock up matchmaking due to intermittent connection issues occurring when creating a party [b]Fixed:[/b] Next Match Join Lobby Solo - An issue that would cause a party member to abandon their group when selecting “Next Match” has been fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] Custom Lobby Failed to Launch - We have fixed an issue that would disband a custom lobby group if timer reaches zero [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy’s House Car Collision - Fixed an invisible collision near a car in the junkyard section of Nancy’s House [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy Cosmetic Descriptions - Fixed some placeholder text on Nancy’s cosmetic options [b]Fixed:[/b] Leatherface Concept Art Unlockable - Fixed the description for the Leatherface Concept Art [b]Fixed:[/b] Nicotero Leatherface Volume - Crawl Space Destruction - The volume of the Nicotero saw was too loud on crawl space destructions - The volume for this interaction has been lowered to match [b]Fixed:[/b] Windows Key Rebind - Fixed an issue that allowed rebinding of the Windows key [b]Fixed:[/b] Alt Key Rebind on Some Key Setups - Fixed an issue that allowed rebinding of the Alt key [b]Fixed:[/b] Character Blacked Out on Some Platforms/Builds - The team has resolved some issues that would cause elements to be blacked out on some platforms/builds [b]Fixed:[/b] Grandpa Perks Unequip - Fixed Grandpa perks so that they stay equipped from match to match [b]Fixed:[/b] Missing Foliage - We have fixed an issue that would result in missing foliage during the end game scene on some platforms [b]Fixed:[/b] Haptic Feedback Inconsistent - The team has fixed the haptic feedback so it is more consistent [b]Fixed:[/b ]No Sell Disabled After Being Trapped - Fixed an issue that would make No Sell not function as intended after stepping in a Hitchhiker trap [b]Fixed:[/b] Multiple XP Events - The following XP events have been fixed [list] [*] Recovering Health Above 50 appears when healing is canceled [*] Nancy’s ability not rewarding XP appropriately [*] Danny’s is awarded tampering XP when it shouldn’t be [*] No XP is awarded when Danny inspects and it should be [*] Recovering Health Above 50 is triggered when no healing is used [*] All Victims Killed triggering despite not killing all Victims [*] XP is awarded twice for killing at the gallows [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Well Interaction Lock - Fixed an issue that would lock interactions if a Victim tries to use a well after stepping in a Hitchhiker trap [b]Fixed:[/b] Well Connection Disruption - An issue that would cause a character to get stuck if connection is unstable when using a well has been fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] Missing Voice Lines - Added in the missing voice lines for when a Victim exceeds noise thresholds in minigames [b]Fixed:[/b] Victim Stamina Bonus - We have fixed an issue that was awarding a stamina bonus to Victims incorrectly [b]Fixed:[/b] Blood Trails - We have matched up the Victim blood trails across platforms [b]Fixed:[/b] Grandpa Perks UI - An issue has been fixed that caused the Grandpa perk icon to not be highlighted as active if the level has been skipped by excess feeding [b]Fixed:[/b] Car Crawl Stuck - Fixed an issue that would cause a Victim to become stuck if they crawl through a car and step in a Hitchhiker trap [b]Fixed:[/b] Trap Bypass - We have fixed an issue where Victims could bypass a trap if placed too closely to a traversal [b]Fixed:[/b] Hunt Not Canceling Properly - Johnny’s Hunt ability should cease when the hunted Victim is executed - This has been fixed so that the ability functions as intended [b]Fixed:[/b] Sonny Ability and Minigames - We have fixed an issue that would silence the minigame audio if Sonny’s ability is active [b]Fixed:[/b] Skill Tree Resets - The skill tree issue causing it to reset unintentionally has been fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] Leatherface Connection Disruption - We have fixed an issue that would make Leatherface unresponsive if connection is interrupted during a destruction event [b]Fixed:[/b] Tourniquet Fixed - The Tourniquet perk is now fixed and will no longer stay active indefinitely if two health items are used consecutively - We have also fixed an issue with Tourniquet where connection interruptions would make the perk active indefinitely [b]Fixed:[/b] Victim Noise Marker and Hiding Spots - Fixed an issue where the noise indicator would not stick to Victims after bursting out of hiding spots - This is related to the change that pings stick to Victims when making noise [b]Fixed:[/b] Must Have Been the Wind - We have fixed the perk Must Have Been the Wind to function with the new design change to noise generation - This is related to the change that pings stick to Victims when making noise [b]Fixed:[/b] Twinkle Toes - We have fixed the perk Twinkle Toes to function with the new design change to noise generation - This is related to the change that pings stick to Victims when making noise [b]Fixed:[/b] Quick Exit - Fixed the Quick Exit perk (Danny) so it no longer resets crawl space opening progress if Family member leaves proximity [b]Fixed:[/b] Spotter - We have fixed an issue with the Spotter perk that would increase the range unintentionally [b]Fixed:[/b] Second Wind - Fixed the perk Second Wind to function as described [b]Fixed:[/b] Efficient Backstabber - Efficient Backstabber will now work when stabbing Grandpa [b]Fixed:[/b] Fusebox Cursor Issues - We have fixed an issue that would lock up a cursor on screen after completing the fusebox puzzle [b]Fixed:[/b] Nicotero Blood Splatter - Fixed an issue where the Nicotero Leatherface shirt would not get any blood on it when executing Victims [b]Fixed:[/b] Leatherface Door Destruction - If Leatherface starts the animation of destroying a door with his saw, it can no longer be opened during the animation - This issue was caused by another Family member opening the door just after Leatherface selects to destroy it, resulting in overlap [b]Fixed:[/b] Leatherface Missing Idle Animation - Fixed the missing idle animation after Leatherface overheats his saw and after an overhead attack - Previously, Leatherface would appear still, without his usual idle [b]Fixed:[/b] Ladders and Hands - Fixed an issue where hands would not appear properly aligned with ladders when in use [b]Fixed:[/b] Victim Restraints - Fixed an issue where if a Victim is hit before getting out of their restraints, they would fall, then pop back up into the restraints - Now, if hit before escaping restraints, Victim will fall normally and stay free [b]Fixed:[/b] Trapped Victim Gate Bypass - Fixed an issue where a Victim could bypass locked doors and gates by becoming incapacitated by a Hitchhiker trap [b]Fixed: [/b]Hitchhiker Trap Collection - We have fixed an issue where the Hitchhiker could not collect traps if they were too close to certain interaction items like ladders and doors [b]Fixed:[/b] Victims, Incapacitations, and Hiding Spots - Fixed a really weird bug where if a Victim uses a hiding spot and exits due to incapacitation, then a second Victim does the same thing on the same hiding spot, the first Victim instantly dies - To the one person who might have experienced this, you’re welcome [b]Fixed:[/b] Sissy Stun Lock - We have fixed an issue where Sissy would become permanently stunned if hit by a Victim exiting a hiding spot [b]Fixed:[/b] Grandpa Detection - Fixed and issue where Grandpa would detect Victims who are moving inaccurately at higher levels - This issue was detecting Victims for smaller amounts of time at higher Grandpa levels [b]Fixed:[/b] Victim Traversal Lock -We have fixed an issue where Victims would get stuck in the traversal animation on gaps when entering the gap at the same time they are snared by barbed wire (Nancy) [b]Fixed:[/b] Ghost Victim in North Cell - Fixed an issue where a Victim who escaped from the driveway exit would have their character model appear in the North Cell on Family House [b]Fixed: [/b]Invincible Victim in Crawl Space - We have fixed an issue where Victims would be invincible if connection is interrupted while they traverse a crawl space [b]Fixed: [/b]Safe Window Jumps - Fixed an issue where a Victim would not take accurate damage if connection is interrupted when jumping through a window [b]Fixed:[/b] Torn Apart Execution Audio - We have fixed an issue that caused the Torn Apart execution for Johnny to have no audio [b]Fixed:[/b] Unlock Tool Alignment - Fixed the alignment of the unlock tool on certain doors when Victims are picking the lock [b]Fixed: [/b]Healing While Disconnecting - Fixed an issue that would lock up a Victim player if they experience connection issues during healing an ally [b]Fixed: [/b] Stuck In Animations - Fixed an issue where a player would become locked in interaction animations if connection is interrupted [b]Fixed:[/b] Locked on Valve Pickup - Fixed an issue where a player would become locked up if experiencing connection issues while gathering a valve handle [b]Fixed:[/b] Leatherface Carry - Fixed an issue where Victims who have disconnected cannot be carried by Leatherface [b]Fixed:[/b] Grapple Disconnects - Fixed an issue where the grapple animation would persist if the player disconnects and rejoins [b]Fixed:[/b] Victim Attacked While Disconnected - Fixed an issue where if a Victim is disconnected while interacting with a minigame, then attacked, they cannot move when rejoining the session [b]Fixed:[/b] Camera Control - Fixed an issue where players would lose camera control if experiencing connection interruption during the restraints minigame [b]Fixed:[/b] Valve progress and Rejoin - Fixed a discrepancy in the valve progress shown to players who disconnect and rejoin [b]Fixed:[/b] Loading Screen Loop - Fixed an issue with an infinite loading screen/title screen loop if a player accepts an invite while in certain menus and tutorials [b]Fixed:[/b] Cook Idle Crash - Fixed an issue where Cook being kicked for idle would crash the game for the Cook player [b]Fixed:[/b] Cook Gas Station Crash - Fixed an issue where Cook player would experience a game crash on load in to the Gas Station map [b]Fixed:[/b] Gallows Spectate Crash - Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the player is spectating a Victim being killed on gallows and exits to the main menu [b]Fixed:[/b] Healing Traps - We have fixed an issue with the damage modifier for Hitchhiker traps that would unintentionally heal Victims - This upgrade to the Trap ability will now function as described in game [b]Fixed:[/b] Camera On Johnny - Fixed an issue with the camera becoming misplaced on Johnny after he steps on an active cattle grid with his ability active [b]Fixed:[/b] Restraints Animation - We have fixed an issue with the animation for the restraints minigame for the female Victims that would appear as if they were detached halfway through the minigame [b]Fixed:[/b] Scaling Issues - Fixed an issue with scaling on certain platforms and systems [b]Fixed:[/b] Frame Rate Issues in Basement - Fixed an issue that would cause an inconsistent frame rate in the basement, near Leatherface spawn [b]Fixed:[/b] Loud Leatherface Feet - Fixed an issue that would make Leatherface’s footsteps sound too loud at longer distances [b]Fixed:[/b] Stuck Spots on Family House - The following stuck spots on Family House have been fixed in this patch [list] [*] Victims become stuck on the bushes in front of the Family House [*] Family become stuck if feeding Grandpa on the bone room side [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] So Close - Fixed the So Close achievement/trophy so that it will not pop if the fusebox escape door is closed [b]Fixed:[/b] Turning Off the Valve - Fixed a bug that would allow Family to turn off the pressure valve too quickly by using their ability while interacting with the valve handle [b]Changed:[/b] Character Outlines when Making Noise - We have changed how character outlines function when triggering noise makers [list] [*] Players who make noise will now have a red noise outline attached to them for a few seconds [*] Making noise with bonecharms, Nuggets, bone piles, door slams, and toolboxes will be affected, sliding metal doors will not [*] This is intended to incentivize stealthy play [/list] [b]Changed:[/b] Mute All Option - We have added the option to quickly mute all players in a lobby [b]Changed:[/b] Auto Crouch Toggle - We have added the option to toggle auto crouch on or off - The option can be found in the “Input” section of the options menu [b]Changed:[/b] Nancy’s House Valve Tank Locations - The team has incorporated feedback from the Slaughterhouse map to improve Nancy’s House [b]Changed:[/b] Victim Abilities at Match Start - Victim abilities will now start the match with a 60 second cooldown [b]Changed:[/b] Hitchhiker Traps and Pressure Valves - We have removed the safe zone in front of the pressure valve so that the Hitchhiker can trap the device [b]Changed:[/b] Gas Station Smoke Room - We have added a gate to the smoke room exit - We have also closed the gap between the smoke room and the side room [b]Changed:[/b] Hiding Invite Codes - We have made invite codes able to be hidden - This should help reduce unwanted sharing of the codes Due to the Steam character limits, the rest of the patch notes can be viewed on our [url=https://www.txchainsawgame.com/hub/patch-notes-nov-28]Community Hub! [/url] Thanks for your continued support and patience!