[img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/7ba512dd-21a2-482c-979d-65cfb29e0b9b/BBQ_CrossPlay_CommHub_16x9.jpg?format=2500w[/img] With release inching closer, we wanted to let players know all about crossplay. Read on in the Hub. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre will have crossplay features, but being on 8th and 9th generation consoles means there is far more to discuss than a simple announcement would do. We wanted to break down all the necessary information on partying up, platform compatibility, and cross-progression. [b]Platforms: [/b] There will be different matchmaking options depending on platform and generation. They will be listed below: [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/01a26353-6b44-4d06-b199-272a768381c7/BBQ_CrossPlayGraphic+%281%29.jpg?format=2500w[/img] [list] [*] PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S (ninth generation) can matchmake with each other [*] Xbox One will only be able to matchmake with other Xbox One players (eighth generation Xbox). [*] PlayStation 4 players will only be able to matchmake with other PlayStation 4 players (eighth generation PlayStation). [/list] [b]Settings:[/b] There are specific settings for enabling or disabling crossplay. Crossplay settings, by default, are on across all platforms that feature crossplay. You can choose to turn it off at any time within the menu. With crossplay enabled, you will see other players from other platforms in public matches, according to the chart above. When crossplay is turned on, on a supported platform, you can matchmake with other players who have also enabled crossplay. If you turn crossplay off, you can only matchmake with players on the same platform who have also turned off crossplay. Please note, a player's friend list is not viewable on other platforms. However, players can create game-generated invite codes. Those codes can invite friends on different platforms to a party or directly load them into a lobby. Once a friend on a different platform is in a party, everyone will play together until it's disbanded. Note: partying/inviting friends on the same platform will work when using a platform-specific friends list and invite system too, such as the console dashboards. In the lobby, players will see which players are on different platforms. They will appear with unique naming and icons to indicate that they’re on those separate platforms. [b]Reports and Cross-Progression: [/b] Our user reporting will function seamlessly with crossplay. This means that across all platforms, you will be able to use the same reporting system. These reports will then be actioned and funneled appropriately. Lastly, there will be no cross-progression for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Player progress and saves will be tied to the individual platform you are playing on. Thank you for reading about crossplay, and we can’t wait to see everyone back in Texas. You can keep the conversation going on our official subreddit,[url=https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/] r/TXChainSawGame[/url].