[img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/4113dd01-7bb0-47a7-88a9-248ae283b3ca/Tech+Test+Community+Hub+Post+for+all+Socials.jpg?format=2500w[/img] [b]UPDATE: [/b]The Tech Test is now live! But first, we have a few key details to go over with the community. In order to minimize instability in areas we do not fully need to pull data for at this time, our Technical Test will be using a trimmed down build. This decision was made in order to still hold the test on time and effectively. Considering that we are still working on The Texas Chain Saw Massacre at the time of the test, we wanted to make sure to pull back from any areas that could cause issues for our users and focus on the goals we set out with - making sure our servers and our backend system worked well at scale. What does this mean? Everything in a match will be the same as it is in the most current build. Meaning once the lobby loads into the match, you will be playing the most up to date version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Menus and interface will, however, be a bit more trimmed down than initially planned. Those cuts are as follows: Players will be randomly assigned their character upon loading into a lobby. Squads are not in the feature list for this branch and players will need to queue up solo. Metagame is disabled and will be shown to our community at a later date. While these areas of the game are obviously of interest to the community, the purpose of the Tech Test is to stress the backend systems and we will still be able to accomplish that without any extraneous issues coming up. We appreciate your understanding and can’t wait for you to see more of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. If you would like to report a bug or provide feedback throughout the Tech Test, you can email our support team at TxChainSawSupport@fearthegun.com Continue reading for the entirety of the Tech Test Explained FAQ below. With our Tech Test being a highly-anticipated event in our community, we wanted to answer a few common questions everyone has. [b]When is the Technical Test? [/b] The Test will take place on Thursday, May 25th, 2023. [b]How long will the Test last?[/b] The Test will last through the weekend. [b]What platform is the Test on?[/b] The Tech Test will be available via Steam PC. [b]What specs are needed to play?[/b] Below we have listed the required specs to play the Technical Test of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, separated by resolution and expected frame rate. Please keep in mind, these specs are intentionally a bit more strict than what will be present at launch. The final build of the game will have further optimization and that will impact the required specs allowing a wider variety of machines to run the game well. The specs needed to play The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: 1080p 30FPS i5 CPU / 8GB RAM / 30GB HDD / RTX 2070 1080p 60FPS i7 CPU / 16GB RAM / 30GB SSD / RTX 3070 4k 30FPS i7 CPU / 16GB RAM / 30GB SSD / RTX 3090 4k 60FPS i9 CPU / 16GB RAM / 30GB SSD / RTX 4090 [b]How do I participate/sign up for the Tech Test?[/b] You can wishlist The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on Steam. Wishlisting the game is the best way to stay informed of when the Tech Test page goes live. [b]Is Gun Interactive working with Content Creators during the Tech Test?[/b] All content creators can reach out to Evolve PR through Terminals.io. [b]How will I know if I get chosen to be part of the Tech Test?[/b] You will receive an email from Steam when you are added to the Tech Test. You will see your status on the store page for the base game, as well. [b]Is the Technical Test public?[/b] Yes. The Test will be free to the public. [b]How many seats for the Test?[/b] The seats will be limited. Exact seat counts are not set in stone at this time. [b]Can I create and stream content of the Tech Test? NDA?[/b] The Tech Test does not require an NDA, which means that all players can stream, create, and upload content during the Test. [b]Is the Tech Test free?[/b] Yes. The Tech Test will be free for anyone who receives an email from Steam for access to the Tech Test. [b]What’s the difference between a tech test and a beta?[/b] A Tech Test differs from a Beta in that the Technical Test is more focused on stress testing the game and backend services, allowing our team to adjust server load and make any adjustments prior to launch. [b]What content should we expect in the tech test? Maps, characters, metagame, etc?[/b] Players can expect PVP matches with other people who received Steam keys. You will only be allowed to access the Family House map during the Technical Test. Players can expect to play as Victims Leland, Connie, Sonny, and Ana. For Family, players will be able to choose from The Cook, The Hitchhiker, and Leatherface. [b]What are the main purposes of the tech test?[/b] The purpose of the Tech Test is to see how the game handles the player base, the servers, the gameplay, and the ins and outs of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This will not only be for players but will also be for us to see what works and what may possibly need improvement before the release date of Friday, August 18th, 2023. [b]Is the build of the tech test close to what the game will be at launch?[/b] The build of the Tech Test is the latest build of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but it is not its final version. On release day, the game will be its finalized version. Thanks for reading and we look forward to continuing the conversation here in the Community Hub, on our official subreddit, [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/]r/TXChainSawGame[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/txchainsawgame]Twitter[/url], [url=https://www.instagram.com/txchainsawgame/]Instagram[/url], and [url=https://www.facebook.com/TXChainSawGame/]Facebook[/url].