[img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/591f4d11-9610-4504-9ff4-a25cd27d966b/TCSM_PatchNotes_Feb624.jpg?format=2500w[/img] The following notes are for our upcoming, February 6th, 2024 patch. It has begun to rolling out. The patch will address the following issues: [b]PATCH NOTES[/b] [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Issues where Victims are Stuck in Incapacitation Animation -We’ve fixed an issue where Victims who were hit by a Family member while going down a ladder would get stuck in the incapacitation animation - We have also fixed an issue where Victims who were incapacitated by Leatherface’s thrust in a gap would also get stuck in the incapacitation animation [list] [*] Victims were able to still move around while being stuck in the animation [*] For incapacitated female Victims this occurred too, their teammates could only see them in the spot where they got incapacitated making their movements invisible to other players [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Texture Issues on Nancy’s House - There was an issue where textures would appear black or unnatural in the Front Garden flower beds - This has been fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] Missing Notification for Basement Fuse Door Closing - We have fixed a problem where if a Family member closed the Basement Fuse Door or if it automatically closed, the Basement Fuse Door would not show that it was closing to both Family and Victim players - Now, a notification is shown when the Basement Fuse Door closes [b]Fixed:[/b] Jack in the Box perk Activating Too Soon - The Jack in the Box perk would activate when Victim players where in the animation state for exiting a hiding spot - This meant that most of the perks duration was occurring during the animation - This has been fixed to so the Jack in the Box perk activates after the exit animation [b]Fixed:[/b] Incorrect Values for Leveled Up Perks and Abilities - We have fixed a visual UI bug that did not show the correct XP gained on Perks and Abilities during the post-game result screen - This issue only occurred when skipping the results screen [b]Fixed:[/b] Two of the Same Grandpa Perks in Nancy’s Skill Tree - We fixed an issue where Nancy had 2 of the same Grandpa perk (Barge to the Point) in her skill tree - Now, she no longer has Barge to the Point in her skill tree twice [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy’s Spy Ability Exploit - Nancy’s spy ability would not drain and be used indefinitely nor would it notify Victims if the Nancy player would slam a door and walk through it - This exploit is now fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] UI Bug Showing 0/0 XP and -1 Ability in Load Outs - Some players were still experiencing the issue where their ability level was showing -1 or 0/0 XP - This has now been fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] Typo in Nancy’s Character Bio - We have fixed a typo in Nancy’s character bio - The typo was “she’s been married 3 three times” - Now it will read as “she’s been married 3 times” [b]Fixed:[/b] Slippery on Danny’s Perk Tree - We have fixed the issue where the perk Slippery was not on Danny’s Perk Tree - Slippery can now be unlocked on Danny’s perk tree through a random perk node [b]Fixed:[/b] Skill Points Not Refunding - A fix has been added so that skill points used on a purchased DLC character will be refunded to a player if they return their DLC purchase [b]Fixed:[/b] Ladder Lacking Collison on Nancy’s House - We have fixed an issue with a ladder in the Cold Room on Nancy’s House that lacked collision [b]Fixed: [/b]Profile Prompt Non-Function in Player List - We fixed an issue where a player’s profile was not visible when using the ‘profile’ prompt in the player list menu - Players will now be able to open another players profile from the player list [b]Fixed:[/b] Character Swap Lobby Crashes - A fix has occurred for lobby crashes because the sender of a character swap request has either hit ready or quits the lobby before the receiver accepts the request - The lobby will now remain functional [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy’s Collecting Poison Animation - We have fixed an issue where Nancy’s collecting poison animation would still play even if a player cancels out of the action [list] [*] During this animation, players also could not move or control Nancy and Sissy could use the table at the same time [*] This will no longer occur [/list] [b]Fixed: [/b]Nancy’s Dress Clipping Through Her Body - We fixed an issue where Nancy’s dress would clip through her body when idling, running, spriting, executing, and closing crawl spaces [b]Fixed: [/b]Anonymized Player Names Showing During Escapes - There was an issue where a player who had anonymize player name setting on would have their name shown to other players when they escaped - This has been fixed and now anonymized player names will be hidden [b]Fixed:[/b] Camera Clipping Issues - We have fixed the camera clipping that occurs on the ladder between Thicket Tunnel and Thicket area on Gas Station [b]Fixed:[/b] Stuck Spots on Gas Station - We fixed an issue where traversing through a side gap, after trying to pick up a bone scrap, would make a player stuck - We fixed Hitchhiker getting stuck in the gap from House Basement to Junk Room - We fixed players getting stuck while descending the ladder in the Tool Shed and being attacked at the same time - We fixed Family players getting stuck in the pipe assets in the Fuel Storage room of the Basement [list] [*] The pipe has been removed so Family players can’t get stuck in it now [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Stuck Spots on Nancy’s House - We fixed an issue where players would get stuck on the edge of the mattress in the House Basement [b]Fixed: [/b]Nancy’s Glasses on Low Setting - Nancy’s glasses would refract incorrectly on low settings - This is now fixed [b]Fixed:[/b] Loadouts Not Saving After Restarting Game - We have fixed an issue where loadouts were not saving when a player closed out of the game and then started it back up [b]Fixed:[/b] Loading Screen German Translation Not Fitting Screen - There was an issue with a specific tip on the loading screen where it did not fit the screen when translated to German [b]Fixed:[/b] Victim’s Ragdolling during Cook’s “Easier Said than Done” Execution - We have fixed an issue where Victim players would ragdoll during cook’s “Easier Said than Done” Execution [b]Fixed: [/b]Loadouts Resetting during Custom Match - We have fixed an issue where loadouts were resetting to default perks when completing a custom match [b]Fixed: [/b]Danny Tampering the Generator - We have fixed an issue where Danny players tampering a turned off generator would only apply the cooldown after it’s been turned off again - This fix ensures that tampering a turned off generator applies the longer cooldown after the mini-game is complete [b]Fixed:[/b] “Must have Been the Wind” Perk Waking Up Grandpa - We have fixed the perk “Must Have Been The Wind” - Now, noise generated during minigames with this perk will be disregarded and will not add to waking up Grandpa [b]Fixed:[/b] New Player Negative Values - We fixed an issue where new players would see negative values on their Family character’s special abilities and they would not receive any XP during public matches [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy House Escapes - We fixed an issue where unique escapes on Nancy’s House were not being recorded [b]Fixed:[/b] Grandpa Sonar Warning - There was an issue where Grandpa’s Sonar Warning was not displaying while the critical bleed out warning was active - This has now been fixed - This means that Grandpa’s Sonar Warning takes priority over the critical bleedout warning and that both warnings are present simultaneously [b]Fixed:[/b] Inaudible Door Destruction - We fixed an audio issue where the sound for destroying a pantry door in Nancy’s House was inaudible from the inside - It will now be audible from all sides [b]Fixed:[/b] Sonny’s Audio during Close Encounters with Cook - We fixed an audio issue where Sonny players who lost a close encounter to Cook would have a female scream - Now, it will be Sonny’s scream [b]Fixed:[/b] Camera Movements on Ladder with Cook - We fixed an issue that occurs when Cook uses the ladder between the Side Garden and Side Garden Tunnel on Family House - The issue would make the camera move freely when Cook would descend the ladder - With this fix, the camera will remain stable and transition smoothly while traversing [b]Fixed:[/b] Family Member Misalignment While Closing Valve - We fixed the issue where Family members would be misaligned when from the valve handle when trying to close the valve pipe [b]Fixed:[/b] Invisible Collision on Family House - We fixed the issue where invisible collision was present near the Shed area on Family House [b]Fixed:[/b] Texture Issue on Slaughterhouse - Texture on the railing by the stairs in the Loading Dock would be dark if the shadow setting was set to “Low” - This has been fixed to where the railing texture is not dark when changing settings [b]Fixed:[/b] Issues with Leland’s Skill Tree - The Been Workin’ Out Perk on Leland’s Skill Tree is incorrectly valued at 1SP instead of 2SP [list] [*] This caused Leland’s Skill Tree on the left hand side to go to level 9 instead of 10 and only receive 49/50 attributes [/list] - Players will now be able to reach maximum level as we have added attribute points to his Skill Tree [b]Fixed:[/b] Localization Issues - We fixed an issue where Danny’s Apply Knowledge prompt is not localized to languages other than English - We fixed an issue where the ‘Mute All’ and ‘Unmute All’ prompt was not localized for other languages [b]Fixed: [/b]Leatherface Camera Issues - We have fixed an issue where the camera moves downward and focuses on Leatherface’s leg when collection from blood buckets [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Camera Issues - We fixed an issue where the camera would snap heavily when a player got too close to parts of the fence on the Side Ramp of Nancy’s House [b]Fixed:[/b] Nancy’s Barbed Wire Interactions - When Nancy is in a certain position, her barbed wire animation when placing them in doorways gets interrupted - We have fixed this so now players can successfully place her barbed wire regardless of position [b]Fixed: [/b]Tracker Tagged Perk Stacking - We have fixed an issue where the perk Tracker Tagged highlight duration was stacking after attacking a Victim multiple times [b]Fixed:[/b] Tampering Having No Effect on Opened Valve - We have fixed an issue where Danny players had no effect when tampering an opened valve - This fix means that tampering an open valve as Danny will increase the time that the valve is open for [b]Fixed:[/b] Stuck Spots on Slaughterhouse - We have fixed an issue where family players would get stuck in the doorway near a blood bucket in Leatherface’s Lair - We fixed a spot where Victims who crouched next to the pipes in the Bone Room would get stuck [b]Fixed:[/b] ‘Choose Fight Perk’ Not Working - We fixed an issue where the perk Choose Fight was not activating correctly at all 3 levels [list] [*] Level 3 was not giving the extra 5 second stun duration [/list] - Now, when a victim has this equipped and wins a close encounter, the current stun duration is added [b]Fixed:[/b] Falling Through Map During Leatherface Execution - We have fixed the issue where Victims and Leatherface will fall through the map when Leatherface’s ‘Drilling Down’ execution starts [b]Fixed:[/b] Missing Nancy Facial Expression - We fixed an issue where Nancy was missing her facial expression when feeding Grandpa [b]Fixed:[/b] Incorrect Nicotero Chainsaw SFX During Intro - We fixed an audio issue where players with Nicotero Leatherface heard the default chainsaw SFX instead of Nicotero’s chainsaw SFX during the intro cutscene [b]Fixed:[/b] Victims Falling Through Ground While Traversing - Victims who were traversing through a gap from the Holding Pen to the Garage, on Slaughterhouse, would fall through the ground - With this fix, players will no longer fall through the ground when traversing the gap [b]Changed:[/b] Lobby Timer Resetting - We have changed the lobby timer to not reset to 30 seconds if a 6th player hits unready - This means that when a 6th person in a lobby hits unready, the countdown is not affected [b]Changed:[/b] Reporting System - We have made improvements to our reporting system - Players can now report a player for Exploiting the game Cheating Offensive name or profile Spamming chat Trolling or griefing other players Abusive voice or chat communications Other - UI Updates have been implemented to reflect these changes [b]Changed:[/b] Brazilian Portuguese and Russian Language Options - Brazilian Portuguese and Russian translations have been added into The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Brazilian Portuguese and Russian are now available as language options in the menu [b]Changed:[/b] Chip Damage While In A Grapple - Family players will no longer be able to instantly execute a Victim player who is grappling with another Family player - Now, when a Family player attacks a Victim who is grappling a teammate, they will deal melee damage - We made this change as we felt it was unfair to Victims with full health [b]Changed:[/b] Trapping Leatherface Exploit - We have a made a change that stops players from using to barge function to entrap Leatherface in a room - Leatherface will now be able to both destroy and unlatch a door during a victim’s barge interaction [b]Changed:[/b] Danny’s Instant Study - We have changed Danny’s Level 3 Instant Study - Danny cannot Tamper any item that he has also instant studied such as fusebox, generator, valve tank, and battery [list] [*] The button prompts have been updated accordingly to reflect these changes [*] The ability tree has also been updated with a new description [/list] [b]Tuned:[/b] Nancy’s Poisoned Claws Duration - We have tuned the values for the duration of Nancy’s ‘Poisoned Claws’ perk to 2/5/8 seconds - Previously, attacks would have a slight poison effect for 5/10/15 seconds [b]Tuned: [/b]Various Telemetry - We have added in extra telemetry to better track data [list] [*] The goal for this is to ensure our team can utilize this extra data as we continue to work on improving lobbies and matchmaking issues [/list] [b]Tuned:[/b] ‘Choose Flight’ Perk - We have tuned the ‘Choose Flight’ perk accordingly [list] [*] Level 1 - Fills 50% of stamina, single charge [*] Level 2 - Fills 75% of stamina, single charge [*] Level 3 - Fills 100% of stamina, single charge [/list] [b]Tuned:[/b] ‘Bomb Squad’ Perk - We have tuned ‘Bomb Squad’ as follows [list] [*] Level 1 – 2 Charges [*] Level 2 – 3 Charges [*] Level 3 – 4 Charges and +50% dismantle speed [/list] Due to the Steam character limits, the rest of the patch notes can be viewed on our Community Hub here: https://www.txchainsawgame.com/hub/patch-notes-feb-6 To report any and all existing or persistent issues, please use the support site. Thanks for your continued support and patience!