[img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/6b87673f-f71f-4f84-8f81-cd79ad6bd345/BBQ_SocialUpdates_PatchNotes_04_16_24.jpg?format=2500w[/img] [b]Here are the Patch Notes for April 16th, 2024.[/b] The following notes are for our upcoming, April 16th, 2024 patch. It is scheduled to begin rolling out at roughly 8AM EDT. Players will be able to purchase Ana’s Outfit Pack II for $4.99 USD. The patch will address the following issues: [b]PATCH NOTES[/b] [b]Fixed:[/b] Virginia’s Skill Tree [list] [*] We have fixed the issue where multiple paths in Virginia’s Skill Tree were blocked off with white squares [*] Players will now be able to access all paths of Virginia’s Skill Tree [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Virginia’s Cosmetics [list] [*] We have fixed Virginia's cosmetics not unlocking despite players meeting requirements [*] Virginia’s cosmetics will now start to unlock as normal when milestones are reached [/list] [b]Fixed: [/b]Virginia’s Tutorial [list] [*] There was an issue where players who purchased Virginia were unable to access her tutorial [*] Now, players who purchased Virginia will be able to unlock and view her tutorial [/list] [b]Fixed: [/b]Trace Chemicals Perk [list] [*] We fixed an issue where powder tables were not highlighting for Virginia with Trace Chemicals equipped [*] Trace Chemicals Description: Powder Collection points within 2.5m/5m/10m range are highlighted for Virginia when equipped [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Leatherface Rev/Stun Bypass [list] [*] We fixed an exploit where Leatherface players could use the chainsaw rev to bypass a door stun animation [*] Leatherface players will now experience the expected stun animation from doors, regardless of rev [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Sissy’s Bane Ability [list] [*] We fixed an issue where Sissy’s poison clouds were not affecting Victims through Barricades, Crawl Spaces, and Gaps. [*] Sissy’s Bane Ability will now traverse and affect through Barricades, Crawl Spaces, and Gaps. [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Family Stun Overlay [list] [*] We fixed an issue where Family players weren’t seeing the black smoke overlay after being stunned by a door that was previously closed [*] After being stunned by a door that was closed, Family players will now see the black smoke overlay [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Virginia Voice Lines [list] [*] We fixed an issue where voice lines were not present for Virginia when escaping - Now when successfully escaping as Virginia, proper voice lines will be present [*] We have fixed an issue where the incorrect voice over would play when Virginia was killed during the intro cinematic - She will now have the correct voice over present [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Coagulant Perk Description [list] [*] We have fixed a typo present in Virginia’s Perk Coagulant [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Stun Proof Family [list] [*] We fixed an issue where Family members were not being stunned when hit with a door [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Danny Tamper [list] [*] We fixed an issue causing Danny to be unable to use his Tamper ability on a valve [*] Players will now be able to tamper a valve as Danny [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Danny and Nancy Progression [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Danny and Nancy would not appear in the Progression Menu [*] Players will now see Danny and Nancy in the progression tab under the Progression Menu [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Various Stuck Spots on The Mill [list] [*] We have fixed the issue where players would get stuck when they crouched into a bush close to the stairs in the Dam Access area [*] We have fixed the issue where Leatherface players would get stuck on spots in the Pump Room wall [/list] [b]Fixed: [/b]Wood Storage Collision on The Mill [list] [*] We have fixed an issue where Players were unable to navigate over a sheet of metal in the Wood Storage unless crouching [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Virginia Voice Over Subtitles [list] [*] We fixed a subtitle typo for Virginia’s Voice Over that would sometimes trigger when approaching a locked door [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] Pressure Gate Exit [list] [*] We have fixed an issue where Victims were able to pass through the pressure gate exit after completing the valve minigame without triggering an escape - Now when passing through the pressure gate exit, Victims will properly trigger the escape event [/list] To report any and all existing or persistent issues, please use the support site [url=support.txchainsawgame.com ]here. [/url] Thanks for your continued support and patience!