We are very excited to share more details about our newest addition to the Victim roster, Virginia. Barbara Crampton, horror legend and icon, will be voicing Virginia, and her character will also have her likeness! Virginia is a grief-stricken mother who cannot get over the disappearance of her son Jesse. She’s obsessive over his vanishing and refuses to believe that he could be gone. The weight of her pain is so immense she leaves behind her nursing career to move to Newt, TX, the last location Jesse was seen. Out of determination and desperation, she travels alone to remote areas in hopes of finding him. She even goes so far as to talk to anyone who could possibly have information on Jesse’s whereabouts. This eventually leads to Virginia spotting some unusual behavior near a remote farmhouse. With hope in her heart that she’ll find Jesse, her investigation of the property leads to her tragic run-in with The Family. Captured and trapped in a different kind of nightmare, Virginia will use her vast knowledge of homemade remedies to escape. [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/0ec9b804-c15e-44a5-96e1-c2b328d95282/MeetVirginia_HubPost_Turnaround.png?format=2500w[/img] Virginia’s time as a nurse allows her to see Sissy’s flower powder and make special concoctions that she can use to possibly save her own life. With this mixture, she can throw it directly at a Family member to create a blue cloud that temporarily blinds them. This will buy Virginia and the other Victims time to run away and possibly live to see another day. Her special ability, Boon, can also be used to contaminate blood buckets on the property. If a Family member gathers blood from one of these buckets, they will be disoriented for a short amount of time. [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/5b4902d6-c8df-41c9-9a0e-b9aed7632316/MeetVirginia_HubPost_Screenshot+%281%29.png?format=2500w[/img] With Barabara Crampton loving The Texas Chain Saw Massacre as much as we do at Gun Interactive, working on Virginia has been a rewarding creative endeavor for all of us. [i]“Gunnar Hansen was my friend so it’s been a great experience to keep the wonderful legacy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre going with my inclusion in this game. Working with all the folks at GUN on my new DLC character has been a remarkable experience! They are among the best in the business. I’m so proud of what they have created and excited for everyone to see all the new stuff!” [/i] - Barbara Crampton, Actor, Producer We still have so much more to share about Virginia; so, stay tuned to our official subreddit, [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/]r/TXChainSawGame[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/TXChainSawGame]Twitter[/url], [url=https://www.instagram.com/txchainsawgame/?hl=en]Instagram[/url], and [url=https://www.facebook.com/gaming/TXChainSawGame]Facebook[/url].