[img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/cc6730a4-b49c-4b66-92aa-23b7eae41a52/image+%285%29.png?format=2500w[/img] [b]Here is a recap of future content and updates for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.[/b] Matt and Wes sat down to discuss the work our team is doing on future content and its progress. Players can expect to see the items discussed below within the next 90 days. To further clarify, that means that some items you will see sooner, while items that need further development would be closer to that 90-day mark. [b]Execution Packs and Weapon Skins[/b] We are excited to say that execution packs are on their way! Yes, that’s right, multiple execution packs. While we still want to save some things for a surprise, we can say that these executions are much more brutal than what’s currently seen in-game. Creative Director Ronnie Hobbs was able to push the dial a little further toward the dangerous to bring them to life. Also, weapon skins are making their way to the game to let Family players accessorize their weapon of choice. [b]Cosmetics[/b] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/6044e2c8-e0dc-431e-b409-2d1e205f5050/ShirtlessJohnny_FirstLook_Watermarked.png?format=2500w[/img] Next, let’s talk about upcoming cosmetics. We are partnering with a very talented studio named Art Bully to help bring new styles to your favorite characters for both Victims and Family players. An outfit of note is called Bride Sissy. The work being done on this outfit features Sissy in a wedding dress. The idea of someone as weird and twisted as Sissy donning an outfit of love was fascinating for Ronnie. The angelic symbolism of a white wedding dress on someone so evil was an interesting juxtaposition that we can’t wait to share soon! The other cosmetic of interest is the much-requested shirtless Johnny! Balancing the strength of a farm worker and wanting Johnny to feel intimidating, Shirtless Johnny is finally coming to fruition. Fun fact: He was originally supposed to be shirtless. Both of these Family cosmetics will be free when they are ready to launch! [b]Museum Mode[/b] Museum Mode is a way for you to move around the Family House (akin to the F13 virtual cabin) featuring some puzzles. There are photo opportunities in this mode where you’ll use a camera and save pictures to share across socials. Additionally, you will see trivia and behind-the-scenes footage for both the film and the game! [b]New Characters [/b] Work on a new Victim and Family member is underway, with development for them both still in progress. This means that both characters still need to be fine-tuned, tested, and finished. With characters that are motion captured, voice-acted, and integrated through narrative design, they require some time to finalize. As we get closer to their release, we’ll be rolling out more information on who they are, lore, and what they’ll do. [b]New Map[/b] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619bf07d441a6f3f704eb0d8/e085a1d9-bc32-4a93-b476-bda3199e4028/Mill_FirstLook_Watermarked.png?format=2500w[/img] Our next map is currently in development and is called The Mill. This map will play much differently than any we have so far. It has much more verticality, with four playable levels featuring a dry creekbed. The Mill's verticality will change gameplay as players can go up and down these floors. You got a taste of that with Nancy’s House, and now we're taking that up a notch. With these different levels, it will also have some interesting well usage for dynamic gameplay. To get the full details on everything in this post, check out the VOD here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E-QjwjXeFE Thank you for reading!