[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] We have just updated the experimental branch of The Riftbreaker with a patch aiming to address the most prevalent issues after the launch of World Expansion II. If all tests come back positive, this build will be published to the public branch soon. [b]This update is (most likely) incompatible with any current mods.[/b] Please remove all mods before playing. [b]MAKE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR SAVE FILES![/b] Make a copy of 'The Riftbreaker' folder from your documents and keep it safe. [h3]With all these warnings out of the way, here’s how to access the experimental branch:[/h3] [olist] [*] create a backup copy of your save folder (Documents/The Riftbreaker) [*] disable Steam Cloud save backup for The Riftbreaker [*] go to your Steam Library [*] right-click on The Riftbreaker [*] select 'Properties,’ then 'Betas,’ and use the following password: IknowWhatImDoing [/olist] After that, you will be able to choose 'experimental' from the drop-down menu. Download the update, play the game, and let us know if you encounter any issues. We also have a channel on our Discord: #rb-experimental-feedback - we highly encourage you to join in and share your feedback. [b][h2]The Riftbreaker World Expansion II Maintenance Update, June 6th, 2023. EXE: 768 DATA: 387 Changelog:[/h2][/b] [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when activating buildings using the 'Interact' option. [*] Fixed an error that could cause entities to be removed by some of the player's items upon loading, which eventually would lead to a crash. [*] Fixed a problem that could cause particles not to free up memory when returning to the main menu, leaking memory. [*] Fixed a crash in ResourceVolumeSystem that happened when trying to load a modded gameplay state. [*] Fixed a crash in resurrect.lua script that caused Necrodons to break the game. [*] Fixed a crash in HandleMeleeIntersection system. [*] Fixed unloading tiles by the MapGeneration algorithm. [*] Fixed a missing FloraCultivatorLayerComponent in the BuildingSystem that could cause memory leaks, performance issues and crashes. All cultivator plants will be removed upon loading the game to fix multiple instances of the same plant spawned on the same spot. Your saplings will stay in Cultivators, so there is no need to set them up again. [*] Fixed a crash in ActionMenuScreen when calling lua function on a non-initialized object. [*] Fixed a crash in EntityCommandBuffer that happened when loading a modded gameplay state. [*] Fixed crashes in TerrainGridSystem that happened if a terrain grid cell got erroneously removed. [*] Fixed a crash in health_giver.lua script. [*] Fixed a crash when unloading materials. [*] Fixes and additions to the Chinese and Japanese localizations [*] The loading screen for Crystal Caverns biome will now change when an outpost is built. [/list]