[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] We have just updated the experimental branch of The Riftbreaker with a patch aiming to address the most prevalent issues after the launch of World Expansion II. If all tests come back positive, this build will be published to the public branch soon. [b]This update is (most likely) incompatible with any current mods.[/b] Please remove all mods before playing. [b]MAKE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR SAVE FILES![/b] Make a copy of 'The Riftbreaker' folder from your documents and keep it safe. [h3]With all these warnings out of the way, here’s how to access the experimental branch:[/h3] [olist] [*] create a backup copy of your save folder (Documents/The Riftbreaker) [*] disable Steam Cloud save backup for The Riftbreaker [*] go to your Steam Library [*] right-click on The Riftbreaker [*] select 'Properties,’ then 'Betas,’ and use the following password: IknowWhatImDoing [/olist] After that, you will be able to choose 'experimental' from the drop-down menu. Download the update, play the game, and let us know if you encounter any issues. We also have a channel on our Discord: #rb-experimental-feedback - we highly encourage you to join in and share your feedback. [b][h2]The Riftbreaker World Expansion II Maintenance Update, June 1st, 2023. EXE: 752 DATA: 370 Changelog:[/h2][/b] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Added an 'interact' option for several key buildings in the game. We realized that activating them through the action menu was not intuitive enough for some players. The following buildings get this functionality [please not that only newly built buildings will get this functionality at this time]: [*] Interacting with an Armory will open the Crafting screen. [*] Interacting with a Laboratory will open the Research tree. [*] Interacting with a Comms Hub will open the Research tree. [*] Interacting with a Portal will open the Local Map. [*] Interacting with a Mining Elevator will Activate it and take you to a lower level. [*] The Mining Elevator now displays an objective marker when it is ready to be activated. [*] Added new ID with localization for the "activate" option. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Added 'valid_package_list.txt' file generation. The game will ensure that there are no leftover packages in the game's folder that could crash it on startup. Such situations could rarely occur when a Steam update would fail to delete old game packages. [*] Fixed a problem that caused the 'degree' symbol to appear incorrectly on the Planetary Scanner screen. [*] Fixed errors that caused some text to be missing in the Mod Management screen. [*] Updated the character collision matrix to fix an error that caused players to clip through some walls. [*] Fixed a crash that happened when players tried to equip or unequip items when the mech is not alive. [*] Fixed a crash in ResourceAccount connected to resource limits. [*] Fixed a crash in PlayerService: AddResourceAmount method. [*] Fixed progress bar values in the Mod Management Screen. [*] Fixed building limits for Outposts. [*] Fixed save game event race by queueinq GameplayStateEnteredEvent in OnRenderingAccessAcquired. [*] Fixed a crash in the InteractiveSystem. [*] Fixed several other crashes. [*] [/list] EXOR Studios