Hi everyone! Today we’d like to take a look at the weapon modding system in The Riftbreaker. It’s a feature that allows you to customize your crafted weapons with various pieces of alien materials that affect the combat properties of your precious toys. Mods can turn the tide of battle by giving your weapons crazy additional stats and abilities. Let’s have a look at how they work, what they require, and where to find them. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/6yTl7PX5So2hjwAq4H/giphy.gif[/img] [i][b]A right combination of mods can turn a pretty straightforward minigun into homing chaos machine of doom MK 2.000.000.[/b][/i] As you know, you can craft weapons in The Riftbreaker in four different quality levels. Apart from the base stats, they differ in the number of available mod slots that come with them. The most basic weapons offer no room for modifications, but you gain one with each quality level. In total, you can have up to 3 mod slots in your ‘extreme’ quality weapons. The same is true for defensive towers. You can install mods in them as well. The only difference is that they come in 3 levels, so mods slots are there from the get-go. When you finally get a weapon with mod slots, it’s time to start looking for something to put into them. Mods can be found by defeating Galatean creatures, investigating objectives, or loot containers. The higher your knowledge about the planet’s creatures, also known as ‘familiarity level’, the better your chance to get a great mod drop. You can increase your familiarity level by either killing or scanning the wildlife and gathering samples. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/VFjnGPWmZAa3QMpBGQ/giphy.gif[/img] [i][b]Flamethrower lacking range? We can fix that, too![/b][/i] There are three main categories of mods that you can find. The first of them is Damage Increase mods. They come in a couple of forms. They can for example boost your critical hit chance (critical hits deal twice as much damage as the regular ones), or add damage over time effects (often with elemental effects, such as acid or fire damage added on top). And then, there is also the good, old +X% damage mod, that can also come with the added benefit of elemental effects. Easy enough. Things get more interesting in the second category - weapon properties. These affect the way your weapon handles. They can either increase your weapon range, decrease the ammo cost for each shot, change the bullet spread… There are many possibilities. However, the ones we like the most are “increase projectiles per shot” and “increase projectiles per burst”. The first one will fire more projectiles every time you pull the trigger, and the second will fire an additional salvo with each click. Combine them and you may get interesting results. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/BAgmnwmYcDL8IYlegr/giphy.gif[/img] [i][b]Today, dear Riftbreakers, we learn the true meaning of 'excessive force'.[/b][/i] The last category is projectile properties. This is where you can turn your bullets, or rockets, or plasma bolts, whatever you like into auto-aiming, homing harbingers of doom. If that’s not enough, you can also grant your projectiles the ability to pierce through targets, explode in a larger radius, or even spread into additional projectiles on impact! You will surely find a combination that suits your needs. Not all mods fit every weapon, though. Decreasing spread on a flamethrower or giving the railgun even more piercing properties wouldn’t make much sense. For that reason, we hide all the mods that are not available to use with your current weapon. However, you can always browse through the list of all the cool stuff you’ve collected through your inventory screen. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1ii3EsUJeOZnPEgvPA/giphy.gif[/img] [i][b]Pay attention to hidden treasures on Galatea 37. You can find lots of goodies in them![/b][/i] You can already check the mods out in the Prologue, and if you’d like to play with them some more, then join our Discord to get opportunities for Beta access - www.discord.gg/exorstudios. See you there! EXOR Studios