[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] It is time for us to let you get your hands on some of the changes we have been working on for the past couple of weeks. This Update brings in some much-needed quality of life fixes, changes that you have requested, as well as a massive makeover of the Cultivator technology branch. [h1]The Riftbreaker Update, February 16th, 2022. Package #141, Binaries #418 Changelog:[/h1] [h2]FEATURES:[/h2] [h3]AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION[/h3] - We have introduced pretty significant changes to the way Cultivators and Harvesters work. It quickly became clear that we missed the mark when balancing the cultivator chain. It was entirely possible to skip resource production entirely in the late game, as having several level 3 Cultivators and Harvesters supplied the base with everything you'd ever need. Additionally, the UI and UX of the system were not great. Well - it all changes today. We have introduced a massive number of changes and improvements when it comes to plant cultivation in The Riftbreaker: [list] [*] The number of drones for both Cultivators and Harvesters has been reduced which also results in improved performance in large base scenarios. [*] The amount of resources that the Harvester drones can carry has been reduced. [*] Drone speeds have been changed - Cultivator drones are faster and Harvester drones are slower. [*] Drones now differ in size to make it easier to differentiate between the two types. [*] Drone targeting algorithm has been altered: Harvester drones now prioritize plants at the highest growth level. [*] Speaking of growth, the growth cycle has been fixed and upgraded. Saplings planted by the cultivators are always very small at first. However, they grow 3 times as fast as the same plants found in the wild. [*] Harvesters now pull the plants out together with their roots - you will no longer see a mix of several plants growing next to one cultivator after changing a sapling. [*] Amounts of resources that can be harvested from all plants have been changed. [*] Saplings now have biome requirements - they can only be grown in their natural habitat. [*] All biomes now have a separate 'default' sapling that gives you different resources. [*] UI and UX have been drastically improved - the menus are much clearer and fewer clicks are required to get Cultivators working. [*] Energy usage has been increased. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/8eb7adc9b0033f8e152665d8dc8bfabbe6e2d180.jpg[/img] [i][b]Out with the old (on the left, no selector indicator, no current sapling, overall mess) and in with the new (right, selected/equipped distinction, clearer resource display, information about requirements, and much fewer clicks to get there)![/b][/i] All in all these changes result in much slower, but a lot more reasonable and stable flora cultivation. We hope you will enjoy tending to your gardens after these changes. Added an option to manually turn off certain types of audio announcements. You can use them if you feel the game is nagging you to build more storage too often. [h3]IN OTHER NEWS:[/h3] [list] [*] Added support for clearing key bindings on gamepads. 'Clear Binding' tooltip has been added to the 'Customize Controls' screen. [*] Added support for adding custom research trees for all your modding needs and purposes. This will also allow us to create custom research trees for Survival Mode rebalance, which is coming soon. [*] Added a config variable 'full_storage_announcement_limit' with 10000 as the default value. It stops announcements from playing if the storage limit is higher than 10000. We assume that if you have this much storage then you know what you’re doing and don’t need any more help with this aspect of economy management. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/d3b3012c4528b99a86b07874d54fcf7f15d1543e.jpg[/img] [b][i]The localizations are programmer art, don't judge.[/i][/b] [*] Custom Game button has been added to the main menu. You can launch new maps and scenarios created by the community through this option. It will later serve as a Hub for all modded content. In order for this menu to appear you need to have mods with *.campaign files installed - otherwise, the menu is hidden. The next release of our modding tools will have a feature that will generate that file for you. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/b7faeca2a19ca3e782e93cfd3a486c45d9ca0886.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/cb150b5c2a32c0a6cec90be8672b93b56d218f74.png[/img] [*] Improved placing buildings in a straight line. If you build a series of small buildings, such as solar panels, one next to another, they will now have less of a tendency to snap out of line. [*] Added a debug switch `r_show_vegetation_phase`. [*] Added EntityService:CreateQuickSandSinkMovement(entity, float duration). Allows modders to make certain entities sink underground as if they were built on quicksand. [*] Added Exor::Optional BuildingService:GetWorkingTime(Exor::Entity::Id building). This method gives you information on how long a given structure has been operational. [*] Added Lua: expose ResourceManager:GetResource( type: string, name: string ) - to allow you to meddle with resources. [*] Added methods: SetWeaponAllResistances and RemoveWeaponAllResistances - to change weapon resistances for entities on the fly. [*] Added `cheat_disable_cultivator_biome_requirement` - to let you grow everything, everywhere. [/list] [h2]CHANGES:[/h2] [list] [*] Loot can now always be picked up, even with full storage - experimental, to avoid clutter and chaos on screen. Please let us know what you think about this - it’s experimental. [*] Introduced changes to creature Nests. We improved their materials, effects, and made sure that they always spawn eggs. Also - the eggs now have randomized sizes and rotation. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/OmjcEI0zgpZuozxiqp/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]They're even more disgusting now.[/i][/b] [*] After a Bomogan is killed, if it had a projectile ready on its back, it will no longer disappear immediately, but gradually phase out. [*] Increased starting resources in survival mode on the jungle biome and disabled tutorial objectives. You can now immediately place the HQ and a couple additional buildings. [*] Increased the amount of carbonium and ironium in starting resource patches in survival mode on the Jungle, Desert, and Acid biomes. The goal of this change is to make the early phase of survival somewhat easier, so that the difficulty ramps up in a more gradual way. [*] Enabled hedroner, phirian, kermon, baxmoth and krocoon species on the Jungle survival map. [*] Delayed the possibility of Acidic Yeast Colony objective spawn in survival mode on the Jungle and Acid biomes on easy and normal difficulty settings. This creature was a bit too much for starting players. [*] Decreased the opacity of objective/event radiuses on the minimap. [*] Decreased the size of light effects on loot items to avoid clutter/chaos on-screen during and after big fights. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/ad1ce07ff359018c78c0a3446aed07808602bbf9.jpg[/img] [i][b]Before, all loot elements used to be highlighted.[/b][/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/6b0c63dcb9af394038cae52d7f06d39b2c6486ef.jpg[/img] [i][b]Now, only the most important elements (specimens and mods) retain their strong highlight, while resources are much less prominent.[/b][/i] [*] Floors and power lines no longer cast shadows for performance purposes. [*] Health bars have been added to all boss enemies. [*] Item sorting in the inventory screen has been improved. New items receive a little (+) marker and always appear on top of the list. [*] Loading and Saving popups now have a background behind the text label. [*] Liquid-related buildings can now be built directly on pipes, overriding them, much like in the case of walls and gates. [*] Cheat_free_build applies to building upgrades now as well. [*] The ribbon trail for the hand grenade is now different from the ribbon trail of a projectile fired from a grenade launcher. [*] Shorter lifetime for acid decals, to match their damage time. [*] Proximity Mines will sink into quicksand. [*] Buildings: remove ghost blueprints from drone buildings, they are now auto-generated. This is a game backend change that will make modding easier. [*] Drones no longer work at full capacity when their home building doesn't. If there are resource shortages, only one drone spawns per building. It will also fly slower than usual. [*] Added prologue finish hint text, directing the player to play the Story Campaign next. [*] Tanzanite Concentration mission cultivator build conditions have been set to more 'relaxed'. [*] Improved the "Mission Complete" display at the end of campaign missions to ensure the player that they have done everything they needed to do. [*] Mission Complete objective status is no longer displayed after returning to a finished mission. [*] Added a build menu highlight for the Orbital Scanner in the 'Build Orbital Scanner' mission. [*] Added a build menu highlight for the Radar Station in the 'Find Titanium Samples' mission. [*] Increased the uranium treasure volume in the 'Find Uranium' mission [*] Improved the 'Acidic Plains Reconnaissance' mission flow. The first mission objective can be fulfilled by either destroying the Colony or by scanning it. [*] The treasure marker in the 'Desert Find Uranium' mission now properly disappears after digging up the treasure. [*] Improved the 'Acidic Plains Palladium Concentration' palladium vein marker flow. [*] Reduced exploding mushroom density in the 'Acidic Plains Palladium Concentration' mission. [*] Added a new custom desert tile for the Stregaros encounter mission and changed the aggro value for the stregaros spawner volume. [*] Reworked the first Stregaros encounter in the 'Desert Scouting' mission to be more reliable. [*] Increased specimen and mod mesh sizes by 50%. [*] The ice crater decal has been modified to reduce noise on the screen. [*] Floors can be overridden with other floor types - now you can easily create pathways and patterns in the base. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/CZbPI2NqAInvPLZQzs/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]If you try to replace a larger tile with a smaller one, the larger will be automatically broken up into smaller pieces.[/i][/b] [*] The floor removal tool has been upgraded to delete only the marked tiles. [*] Increased Gnerot's resistances during sleep state to prevent players from killing it before it can do anything. [*] Added a planetary quest reminder to nudge players towards checking out the planetary scanner screen if there are no other local objectives currently visible. [*] Removed underground resource deposits other than palladium in the 'Find Palladium' mission. [/list] [h2]FIXES:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed decals disappearing too early on quicksand. [*] Fixed missing effects on boss creatures after packing. [*] The HUD now correctly displays 0% solar power efficiency at night. [*] The Planetary Scanner screen does not count walls, pipes, energy connectors in the buildings count. [*] Disabled DirectInput support to avoid problems with steering wheels/HOTAS systems. [*] SoundPlugin: fixed crash on shutdown during startup. [*] Building type "pipe" removed from the armory, advanced magnetic stabilizer, and tower ammunition factory. We don't know how it got there in the first place. [*] Fixed plasma storage and production in Fusion Power Plant level 3. [*] Fixed AI cost problems in custom difficulty while using the building cost multiplier. [*] You can no longer perform a planetary jump if Headquarters is missing. [*] The blood moon event is now correctly recognized as a 'night' event. [*] Fixed too small collisions in small crystals to enable scanning. [*] Fixed mech searchlight disappearing after jumping between maps. [*] Fixed some desert tiles to avoid resources spawning on quicksand. [*] Plants spawned by the cultivators are no longer scannable. [*] Ghost buildings no longer cast shadows. [*] Fixed portal addons not being built when the player is out on other missions. [*] Fixed an issue in the DamageSystem where weapon with different damage over time mods was not clearing hit effects on enemies. [*] Fixed an issue in the TileablePrefab system where vegetation spawned from prefabs was not re-growing. [*] Consumable Sentry Towers no longer play sounds when they are damaged or destroyed. [*] Fixed a rare issue when a Baxmoth Drone could get stuck in a 'calm' state and fly around forever. [*] Nerilians are no longer targeted by towers when they are hidden. [*] Fixed turret jitter in idle state after losing the target. [/list] [h2]SOUNDS:[/h2] [list] [*] Sound: added EQ filter SoundGraph node (SoundNodeEQBiquadFilter) with LPF [*] Sound: added HPF to SoundNodeEQBiquadFilter [*] Sound: SoundNode_ADSR uses SoundCurve as an amplitude envelope [*] Sound: SoundCurve initial implementation [*] Sound: SoundCurve prototype (SoundNode_ADSR test: attack + decay + sustain) [*] Sound: XAudio2: flushing source buffers only during stopping procedure [*] The floor removal tool now has sounds. [/list] Let us know about any bugs and issues you find! EXOR Studios