Hello Riftbreakers, Thanks to your feedback we managed to catch and fix another batch of errors that you've been encountering. We hope that thanks to these fixes and improvements your stay on Galatea 37 will be even more pleasant. Please remember that if you encounter a crash then send in your crash report - they really help us to efficiently fix all of the encountered errors. [h1]The Riftbreaker Stability Update October 21st 2021[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed crash: Ogre::D3D12HardwareBufferManagerBase::createVertexBuffer. [*] Improved raytracing implementation to prevent D3D12 SwapBuffers error. [*] Fixed objectives ignoring higher level buildings - you can now build Cultivators level 2 and 3 in the rare resource missions. [*] Added more Cryoplants to the Volcanic Area Reconaissance mission to prevent issues with finding enough specimens. If you load a save file from an older version of this map, additional Cryoplants will spawn in. [*] Fixed crash while using Power Jump skill. [*] Acidic Yeast Root is now untargetable by defensive towers during scanning with Research Station. [*] Fixed campaign flow getting stuck if a player had built the Rift Station Foundation before that objective was activated. [*] Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when spawning a new objective. [*] Fixed deadlock that would occur if the player entered the inventory screen while the Headquarters upgrade popup was on screen. [*] Fixed crash in SetCurrentTarget method. [*] Fixed crash in logic flow that happened when an objective got duplicated. [*] Launcher: added the option for textures quality change to improve performance on machines with less VRAM. [*] Autosaves can no longer be removed. [*] Fixed crash in OnEquipmentSlotChangedEvent [*] Fixed infinite loading when 'Continue Game' button was clicked several times. [*] Fixed multiple crashes on GUI scene transitions. [*] Fixed memory corruption on equipment disassembly that would cause a crash at a random moment later during gameplay [*] Show proper error message popup, instead of "You are trying saves that belong to different user" so we can track/fix it [*] EffectSystem: deffer EffectComponent removal to system update, where we can be sure that no additional effects were created [*] Fix possible logic flow data race when logic graph was disabled by external sources [*] Audio: fixed memory corruption in AudioManager that caused the game to crash. [*] Fixed save corruption when user deletes their old save or the whole campaign while being in-game. [/list] We hope this patch will bring a noticeable improvement for those of you who have been having the above mentioned problems with the game. Our efforts are not over, though - we are still working on multiple fixes and quality of life improvements. We expect to ship the next patch at some point next week. Thank you! EXOR Studios